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271 search results for: influence


Science and Leadership for the Future: Networks

Science and Leadership for the Future: Networks Ross Dawson recently gave a keynote address on Science and Leadership for the Future to a small group of major media and corporate clients of New Scientist magazine. Given the context, he was able to delve a little deeper into the issues than he would for most audiences. […]


Insights into what sustainability really means

Futurist Ross Dawson recently spoke about Building Financial Sustainability at the Vicwater Financial Sustainability Conference. Ross opened his speech by telling us what we have long suspected. The word “sustainability” has been so overused, misused and abused that it has substantially lost its meaning. He wants us to reclaim this lost meaning of sustainability and […]


Why it matters that networks in organizations and social systems are shifting to power-law distributions

I recently gave a keynote address on Science and Leadership for the Future to a small group of major media and corporate clients of New Scientist magazine. Given the context, I was able to delve a little deeper into the issues than I would for most audiences. The video of my presentation was sliced into […]


Crowdsourcing Patent Research: How Crowdsourcing Is Influencing the Mainstream

Crowdsourcing patent research is a fascinating example of how a crowdsourced business model can start to influence the mainstream, and transform the way things are done. Crowdsourcing is changing the patent and intellectual property industry. The way it has evolved gives an interesting glimpse into how crowdsourcing is infiltrating different business sectors. The research involved […]


Using social network analysis to uncover authority and centrality

As reflected by the title of this blog, networks have long been at the heart of how I see the world. I have applied the tools and approaches of network analysis to a wide variety of domains, including organizational analysis, industry analysis, client relationship analysis, influence networks, sales and innovation networks, high-performance personal networks, and […]


Futurists on Twitter: An analysis of network centrality and authority

Since the 1990s I have been applying network analysis to help understand the development of technology, business, and society. In 2002 I wrote the book Living Networks to describe how networks are moving to the center of our world. Over the years I have analyzed the network characteristics of many domains, including organizations, industries, influence, […]


Our reputation, personal opportunities, and identity will be shaped by social media

This morning was the launch of the Safeguarding the Future of Digital Australia 2025 that I wrote and compiled for McAfee, part of Intel Security. There has been a very strong response to the report, with so far good articles in The Australian, Dynamic Business, WA Today, and many others, and the Federal Minister for […]


Is Internal Crowdfunding in the Enterprise Set to Take Off?

A number of companies are experimenting with internal crowdfunding.  This has the potential to be a successful way to spark innovation and evaluate employee-generated ideas. Given the attention that crowdfunding and Kickstarter have had in the media over the past two years, it is surprising that more large enterprises have not experimented with crowdfunding internally […]


Could online lobbying be the future of government?

Recently I spoke on the potential of crowdsourcing at the EngageTech conference, an event focusing on how government can best use technology to engage with community and citizens. One of the very interesting conversations that emerged at the event was on how interested and informed citizens are on government decisions. It’s a truism that representative […]


Design Anthropology and the IT Leader

Leveraging the synthesis of design practice and the study of human culture and behavior Who is responsible for design in your IT department? If your answer is your Architecture or Business Analyst teams then you may be missing a vital factor. Take a moment to reflect on what design really means and who utilizes the […]