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271 search results for: influence


Thought Leaders on What to Expect in PR in 2016: Story and Content

What should we expect for PR in 2016? We asked top industry thought leaders for their thoughts. Three powerful themes emerged from their responses: – Scope and Breadth (Click link for insights) – Science, Data and Analytics (Click link for insights) – Story and Content (Insights below) On story, content, and channels, Michael Brenner of […]


What It Means to Be a PR Pro in 2016 and Beyond

How crazy has this year been? From a PR practitioner’s perspective, we’ve had to: come up to speed with the challenges and opportunities of live video streaming (THINK: Periscope, Meerkat etc); grapple with the ever-decreasing organic reach of our clients’ (agency or inhouse) Facebook Pages, while at the same time try to understand how advertising […]


The Most Creative Agencies Inspire Purpose and Empower Consumers

A couple of weeks ago, the Holmes Report issued their fourth annual Global Creative Index and the results found Weber Shandwick on top of the overall agency ranking after placing third last year. The Holmes Report analyzes the entries and winners of more than 25 different award programs to determine agency placement in their index. […]


Exploring Big Data: Insights for Agencies

For several years now, Big Data has been top of mind for a variety of industries, and that includes PR.  An extraordinary amount of content has been generated about how it can benefit everything from customer insight to driving efficiencies in just about every industry imaginable. Yet, attitudes about Big Data within PR are mixed. […]


Six characteristics supporting excellence in service delivery innovation

Last Friday, after delivering the breakfast keynote at CPA Congress in Brisbane (more on that in another post), I ran a half-day workshop at the partner offsite of a national accounting firm network on the theme of Disruption and Innovation in Professional Services. I spent some time giving the partners current perspectives on both disruption […]


Adding New Skills and Capabilities to Create Collaborative Magic

Think back to your very first PR job, to the PR briefs you dissected and the deliverables required as you planned the scope of work or delivered the implementation. Now bring your mind back to today and your current tasks at hand. Take a look at the expected outcomes you’re tackling for the work you’re […]