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271 search results for: influence


New Business Models Need New Approaches to IT

How regulation may redefine the role of technology in business I’ve been watching with some interest the discussion around who will “own” information technology within the emerging digital businesses: those new businesses created in response to ubiquitous IT, communication networks and social media. Many of these arguments have a strong feeling of a turf war, positioning […]


Could online lobbying be the future of government?

Last week I spoke on the potential of crowdsourcing at the EngageTech conference, an event focusing on how government can best use technology to engage with community and citizens. One of the very interesting conversations that emerged at the event was on how interested and informed citizens are on government decisions. It’s a truism that […]


Avengers, Assemble! Why Senior Superheros Should Fight Together

Bringing together diverse capabilities, experience and opinions results in a powerful alliance As CIO you hold great power, though this power also brings a Kryptonite-like weakness with it. You are responsible for sustaining the information flows of an organization. You also carry the curse of not being taken seriously. It’s like being Captain America and […]


The Reputation Economy

Reputation Economy – Keynote speaker Ross Dawson Ross Dawson is a globally renowned and highly acclaimed keynote speaker. Strong demand for Ross’s expertise has seen him deliver numerous keynote speeches across six continents. For years he has been writing about reputation and has often said that this will be the decade of the reputation economy. […]


The future of information infrastructure

Recently I gave the opening keynote on The Future of Information Infrastructure at the Implementing Information Infrastructure Symposium. CIO magazine did a nice article titled IIIS: Big Data driving new trends which reviews my keynote and the one immediately after from Steve Duplessie, one of the world’s top analysts on data and storage. It says: […]