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271 search results for: influence


Futurist Rankings

Futurist > Futurist Influence Rankings   Futurist Influence Rankings We have created this widget to provide a rough view of how influential futurists are on the web and social media. A few important notes: To be included on the list people need to self-describe as futurists and/or primarily work in thinking and communicating about the […]


Savvy sci-fi futurists: 21 science fiction writers who predicted inventions way ahead of their time

Many futurists, scientists and inventors have been inspired by the imagination and anticipation of the future inherent to science fiction novels. From the Internet to iPads to smart machines, some of the world’s greatest advances in technology were once fictional speculation. As sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke wrote in Profiles of the Future (1962), “The […]


Collaboration and activation: the nub of the merger of physical and digital retail

Last week I visited Melbourne Spring Fashion Week as a guest of IBM and the City of Melbourne. City of Melbourne’s over-arching vision for the annual Melbourne Spring Fashion Week is to position Melbourne as Australia’s premier fashion destination, and have a real economic impact by driving increased sales for retailers in the city. In […]


Launch of Creating the Future of PR – shaping an exceptional future for the industry

Advanced Human Technologies Group has just launched Creating the Future of PR, a publication that looks at how the Public Relations industry can create an exceptional future for itself and its clients in a fast-changing world. In my article Join Us in Creating the Future of PR I frame the context for the launch of […]


Join Us in Creating the Future of PR!

The fundamental capabilities of PR professionals are more relevant than ever in our intensely networked world. Arguably, PR should be at the center of the marketing universe, since it is better able than any other discipline to deal with a world driven by relationships, fueled by connectivity, social, mobile, and power shifting to the individual. […]


Seven Capabilities for the PR Agency of the (Near) Future

Back in the day, PR agencies only needed two things to succeed – be a better than average writer and have a rolodex (aka database) of media contacts. (A bottle of scotch in the top desk drawer was optional.) While both of those are still important today, the complexity that’s been created with the popularity […]


Insights into the levers of innovation in 40 major cities globally

The City Initiatives for Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CITIE), a joint venture of NESTA, Catapult, and Accenture, has just release a very interesting report on the drivers of innovation in major cities globally. The CITIE Framework examines 9 different areas in which cities can support entrepreneurship and innovation, shown here: