Futurist > Futurist Associations
Futurist associations
There are a variety of global, national and sector-specific associations supporting the futurist and foresight community. Below are some of the most prominent.
Global Associations
Association of Professional Futurists (APF)

Founded in 2002, the APF is an offshoot of the WFS. The founders wanted an association dedicated exclusively to professional futurists. They currently have over 500 members in more than 40 countries. |
https://apf.org |
Membership Type
Full membership is reserved for professionals in the field (e.g. consultants, speakers, educators, analysts, public servants), but student memberships are also available for students in the field. Organizational memberships are also available. The APF is soon adding new benefits for less experienced parties who wish to participate. |
Founded in 2002, the APF is an offshoot of the WFS. The founders wanted an association dedicated exclusively to professional futurists. They currently have over 500 members in more than 40 countries. |
https://apf.org |
Membership Type
Full membership is reserved for professionals in the field (e.g. consultants, speakers, educators, analysts, public servants), but student memberships are also available for students in the field. Organizational memberships are also available. The APF is soon adding new benefits for less experienced parties who wish to participate. |
International Institute of Forecasters (IIF)

Founded in 1982 by J. Scott Armstrong (author of Principles of Forecasting) and three other forecasting experts, the IIF publishes 3 different publications and hosts an annual symposium. The Institute is primarily focused solely on forecasting and not specifically futures/ foresight. However, the two disciplines are often intertwined. |
Head Office
Riverside, CA, USA |
https://forecasters.org/ |
Membership Type
Membership seems to be open. Besides the general and corporate memberships, they also offer discounted memberships for students and those in less developed nations. |
Founded in 1982 by J. Scott Armstrong (author of Principles of Forecasting) and three other forecasting experts, the IIF publishes 3 different publications and hosts an annual symposium. The Institute is primarily focused solely on forecasting and not specifically futures/ foresight. However, the two disciplines are often intertwined. |
Head Office
Riverside, CA, USA |
https://forecasters.org/ |
Membership Type
Membership seems to be open. Besides the general and corporate memberships, they also offer discounted memberships for students and those in less developed nations. |

LaFutura started in 2010. It is a network focused on trends and innovation. They foster collaboration among their members and try to shape the future by following trends. They hold one event each year, and members interact on an internal social media website to share knowledge and expertise about future relevant trends. |
Head Office
Berlin, Germany |
https://www.lafutura.org |
Membership Type
Membership cost 250 euros for individuals and 4,000 euros for corporates. They also have a free student membership. Membership in LaFutura includes membership in Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) . |
LaFutura started in 2010. It is a network focused on trends and innovation. They foster collaboration among their members and try to shape the future by following trends. They hold one event each year, and members interact on an internal social media website to share knowledge and expertise about future relevant trends. |
Head Office
Berlin, Germany |
https://www.lafutura.org |
Membership Type
Membership cost 250 euros for individuals and 4,000 euros for corporates. They also have a free student membership. Membership in LaFutura includes membership in Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) . |
The Millenium Project

Although actually a foresight think tank, The Millenium Project functions as a professional association in many ways, and it is listed as a member of the Union of International Associations. Under the guidance of Jerome Glenn and Ted Gordon, more than 2,500 futurists and other volunteers from more than 50 countries have contributed to the Millenium Project’s research. They hold annual meetings and communicate through listservs. Begun as a joint venture between the Smithsonian Institution, The Futures Group International, and the United Nations University (UNU); it is now an independent nonprofit that seeks to improve humanity’s prospects. Again, it is not strictly an association, but as a loose collection of volunteers around the world, it functions as an association with a purpose. |
Head Office
Washington, DC, USA |
https://www.millennium-project.org |
Membership Type
Contact a local node to contribute to the research. If there is no node in your country, try contacting them directly to start a new node. |
Although actually a foresight think tank, The Millenium Project functions as a professional association in many ways, and it is listed as a member of the Union of International Associations. Under the guidance of Jerome Glenn and Ted Gordon, more than 2,500 futurists and other volunteers from more than 50 countries have contributed to the Millenium Project’s research. They hold annual meetings and communicate through listservs. Begun as a joint venture between the Smithsonian Institution, The Futures Group International, and the United Nations University (UNU); it is now an independent nonprofit that seeks to improve humanity’s prospects. Again, it is not strictly an association, but as a loose collection of volunteers around the world, it functions as an association with a purpose. |
Head Office
Washington, DC, USA |
https://www.millennium-project.org |
Membership Type
Contact a local node to contribute to the research. If there is no node in your country, try contacting them directly to start a new node. |
World Futures Society (WFS)

The WFS was founded in 1966, and it’s magazine, The Futurist, started in 1967. Historically, WFS has hosted at least one conference each year. However, a new chair took over in 2016 and subsequently bought the nonprofit. The WFS has had little public activity since, but a conference is scheduled for August 2018. |
Head Office
Kent, DE, USA |
https://www.worldfuture.org/ |
Membership Type
Joining the association is as easy as subscribing to The Futurist magazine. It is therefore open to anyone interested in discussing or learning about the future. |
The WFS was founded in 1966, and it’s magazine, The Futurist, started in 1967. Historically, WFS has hosted at least one conference each year. However, a new chair took over in 2016 and subsequently bought the nonprofit. The WFS has had little public activity since, but a conference is scheduled for August 2018. |
Head Office
Kent, DE, USA |
https://www.worldfuture.org/ |
Membership Type
Joining the association is as easy as subscribing to The Futurist magazine. It is therefore open to anyone interested in discussing or learning about the future. |
World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF)

World Futures Conferences had been held since 1967, and the WFSF was a natural product of these conferences. The WFSF chartered in 1973 in Paris with Bertrand de Jouvenel as its first president. Despite being based in Europe and centered on European interests, it has reached out to third world nations through their relationship with UNESCO as well as developed countries outside Europe and North America. The 1970 World Futures Conference was held in Kyoto, Japan, and they have long held a global presence. |
Head Office
Paris, France |
https://www.wfsf.org |
Membership Type
Professional experience in the field is required for full membership, but associate membership and student memberships are also available for interested but less experienced applicants. |
World Futures Conferences had been held since 1967, and the WFSF was a natural product of these conferences. The WFSF chartered in 1973 in Paris with Bertrand de Jouvenel as its first president. Despite being based in Europe and centered on European interests, it has reached out to third world nations through their relationship with UNESCO as well as developed countries outside Europe and North America. The 1970 World Futures Conference was held in Kyoto, Japan, and they have long held a global presence. |
Head Office
Paris, France |
https://www.wfsf.org |
Membership Type
Professional experience in the field is required for full membership, but associate membership and student memberships are also available for interested but less experienced applicants. |
National/ Regional Associations
Center for Philippine Futuristics Studies and Management Inc.

When the Philippine Futuristics Society (which organized in 1980) dissolved, the Center for Philippine Futuristics Studies and Management Inc. formed as a non profit in 2007. They promote futuristics (i.e. foresight and futures work) in the Philippines with lectures, seminars, etc. |
Head Office
Makati City, Philippines |
https://www.facebook.com/futuristicscenterph/ |
Membership Type
They have an individual and a corporate membership as well as honorary memberships. |
When the Philippine Futuristics Society (which organized in 1980) dissolved, the Center for Philippine Futuristics Studies and Management Inc. formed as a non profit in 2007. They promote futuristics (i.e. foresight and futures work) in the Philippines with lectures, seminars, etc. |
Head Office
Makati City, Philippines |
Facebook page |
Membership Type
They have an individual and a corporate membership as well as honorary memberships. |
Dutch Future Society (DFS)

DFS were previously a local chapter of the WFS, and they are currently a local chapter of APF. They are a non-profit and open community of foresight professionals. |
https://dutchfuturesociety.nl |
Membership Type
The DFS is focused on foresight professionals especially as a local chapter of the APF. However, they are also an open community with donor memberships as well as Sponsor Memberships and Organizational Memberships. |
DFS were previously a local chapter of the WFS, and they are currently a local chapter of APF. They are a non-profit and open community of foresight professionals. |
https://dutchfuturesociety.nl |
Membership Type
The DFS is focused on foresight professionals especially as a local chapter of the APF. However, they are also an open community with donor memberships as well as Sponsor Memberships and Organizational Memberships. |
European Foresight Platform (EFP)

The EFP is based in Europe with support from the European Commission and a four member consortium of The Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIOIR) and the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). Their network stretches beyond Europe to global contacts who all help to centralize the knowledge base and insights from futures/ foresight. |
Head Office
Vienna, Austria |
https://www.foresight-platform.eu/ |
Membership Type
Contact the head of their organization to find out more about membership |
The EFP is based in Europe with support from the European Commission and a four member consortium of The Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIOIR) and the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). Their network stretches beyond Europe to global contacts who all help to centralize the knowledge base and insights from futures/ foresight. |
Head Office
Vienna, Austria |
https://www.foresight-platform.eu/ |
Membership Type
Contact the head of their organization to find out more about membership |
Finnish Society for Futures Studies

The Finnish Society for Futures Studies was established in 1980. They have more than 700 individual members plus 14 institutional members. Their aim is to use futures studies to guide Finnish society, and they participate regularly with the WFSF, WFS, and Club of Rome. They established the Finnish Committee of the Club of Rome in 1984 to ensure continued association with the Club. |
Head Office
Helsinki, Finland |
https://www.tutuseura.fi/ |
Membership Type
Membership does not appear to be strictly for professionals or any other demographic. |
The Finnish Society for Futures Studies was established in 1980. They have more than 700 individual members plus 14 institutional members. Their aim is to use futures studies to guide Finnish society, and they participate regularly with the WFSF, WFS, and Club of Rome. They established the Finnish Committee of the Club of Rome in 1984 to ensure continued association with the Club. |
Head Office
Helsinki, Finland |
https://www.tutuseura.fi/ |
Membership Type
Membership does not appear to be strictly for professionals or any other demographic. |
Futures Specialists Helsinki

Started in 2012, the group is focused on people in Helsinki who are interested in futures thinking, trends, and foresight. They meet regularly and are the local ambassadors for LaFutura. |
Head Office
Helsinki, Finland |
https://futureshelsinki.org/# |
Membership Type
Membership is 50 euros. Those interested can also follow the group for free. Paying members are able to reserve seats during events, and those who follow the group for free may join the events if spots are available. |
Started in 2012, the group is focused on people in Helsinki who are interested in futures thinking, trends, and foresight. They meet regularly and are the local ambassadors for LaFutura. |
Head Office
Helsinki, Finland |
https://futureshelsinki.org/# |
Membership Type
Membership is 50 euros. Those interested can also follow the group for free. Paying members are able to reserve seats during events, and those who follow the group for free may join the events if spots are available. |

Created in 1960 by Bertrand de Jouvenel, Futuribles acts as both a company and an association. The benefits of joining are as much about access and contribution to foresight studies on topics of interest as it is a forum for discussing issues for the currrent and future world. They hold workshops, lectures, conferences and other means of networking to accomplish these tasks. The work is primarily produced in French, and although based in France, they engage members internationally. |
Head Office
Paris, France |
https://www.futuribles.com/en/ |
Membership Type
Membership is open to organizations and individuals. |
Created in 1960 by Bertrand de Jouvenel, Futuribles acts as both a company and an association. The benefits of joining are as much about access and contribution to foresight studies on topics of interest as it is a forum for discussing issues for the currrent and future world. They hold workshops, lectures, conferences and other means of networking to accomplish these tasks. The work is primarily produced in French, and although based in France, they engage members internationally. |
Head Office
Paris, France |
https://www.futuribles.com/en/ |
Membership Type
Membership is open to organizations and individuals. |
Fütüristler Derneği (Futurists Association in Turkey)

The Futurists Association was established in 2005 to conduct multidisciplinary studies to provide insights through how life and business will get shaped in the future. It shares alternative scenarios on what and how all scientific and social disciplines and technology will impact humanity, environment and the world. We initiate various activities to develop programmes with essential foresight techniques for improving business and social life positively. Our Association helps members gain the skills and confidence to become someone who makes the future, instead of letting the future happen to them. |
Head Office
Istanbul, Turkey |
https://futurizm.org |
Membership Type
Individual, student, and corporate memberships. |
The Futurists Association was established in 2005 to conduct multidisciplinary studies to provide insights through how life and business will get shaped in the future. It shares alternative scenarios on what and how all scientific and social disciplines and technology will impact humanity, environment and the world. We initiate various activities to develop programmes with essential foresight techniques for improving business and social life positively. Our Association helps members gain the skills and confidence to become someone who makes the future, instead of letting the future happen to them. |
Head Office
Istanbul, Turkey |
https://futurizm.org |
Membership Type
Individual, student, and corporate memberships. |
Institute for Futures Research (IFR)

Started in 1974, the IFR is part of the University of Stellenbosch. As such, it administers a Postgraduate Diploma in Futures Studies, MPhil in Futures Studies, and a PhD in Futures Studies. They also perform research for public and private entitiies, and they act as an association. Benefits of membership include: conferences and seminars, periodic publications, discounts for bespoke research, access to private resources online at the office, and many more. The associates listed are all public and private entities. |
Head Office
Cape Town, South Africa |
https://www.ifr.sun.ac.za/Pages/Testimonials.aspx |
Membership Type
Contact the organization to find out more. |
Started in 1974, the IFR is part of the University of Stellenbosch. As such, it administers a Postgraduate Diploma in Futures Studies, MPhil in Futures Studies, and a PhD in Futures Studies. They also perform research for public and private entities, and they act as an association. Benefits of membership include: conferences and seminars, periodic publications, discounts for bespoke research, access to private resources online at the office, and many more. The associates listed are all public and private entities. |
Head Office
Cape Town, South Africa |
https://www.ifr.sun.ac.za |
Membership Type
Contact the organization to find out more. |
Italian Institute for the Future (IIF)

IIF promotes foresight practices through consultancy, cultural events, publications, European projects and national meetings of Italian futurists. They collaborate with the Millennium Project through local workshops and the Italian translation of the “State of the Future” (the first of which will be available in the autumn of 2018). They are also institutional members of the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF). |
Head Office
Naples, Italy |
https://www.instituteforthefuture.it |
Membership Type
More than 150 people attended their last meeting. To find out more, contact them directly. |
IIF promotes foresight practices through consultancy, cultural events, publications, European projects and national meetings of Italian futurists. They collaborate with the Millennium Project through local workshops and the Italian translation of the “State of the Future” (the first of which will be available in the autumn of 2018). They are also institutional members of the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF). |
Head Office
Naples, Italy |
https://www.instituteforthefuture.it |
Membership Type
More than 150 people attended their last meeting. To find out more, contact them directly. |
Kansallinen ennakointiverkosto (KEV) (National Foresight Network)

Finland’s Prime Minister Office and Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund administer KEV, a network of foresight professionals. Their purpose is to contribute to government’s decision making by exploring the challenges and opportunities facing Finland now and in the future. KEV primarily communicate via a Yammer network community and monthly meetings. Most of the discussion is in Finnish, but they welcome some comments in both English and Swedish. |
Head Office
Helsinki, Finland |
https://foresight.fi/info-in-english/ |
Membership Type
The Yammer network is free to join and anyone interested in futures/ foresight can attend their monthly meetings, Foresight Fridays. |
Finland’s Prime Minister Office and Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund administer KEV, a network of foresight professionals. Their purpose is to contribute to government’s decision making by exploring the challenges and opportunities facing Finland now and in the future. KEV primarily communicate via a Yammer network community and monthly meetings. Most of the discussion is in Finnish, but they welcome some comments in both English and Swedish. |
Head Office
Helsinki, Finland |
https://foresight.fi/info-in-english/ |
Membership Type
The Yammer network is free to join and anyone interested in futures/ foresight can attend their monthly meetings, Foresight Fridays. |
Netzwerk Zukunftsforschung e.V. (Network Future Research e. V.)

The network is open to anyone interested in futures research. Some level of fluency in German is probably best. They are currently developing an English website. |
Head Office
Berlin, Germany |
https://netzwerk-zukunftsforschung.de/ |
Membership Type
A comprehensible claim and a corresponding research interest are the only prerequisites for membership in the network. The cost is currently 100 euros annually. |
The network is open to anyone interested in futures research. Some level of fluency in German is probably best. They are currently developing an English website. |
Head Office
Berlin, Germany |
https://netzwerk-zukunftsforschung.de/ |
Membership Type
A comprehensible claim and a corresponding research interest are the only prerequisites for membership in the network. The cost is currently 100 euros annually. |
Polish Society for Future Studies

Established in 2011, the Polish Society for Future Studies is focused on responsible planning. It is an association that also works collaboratively on projects such as New Methods of Participatory Planning of Transport Infrastructure. |
Head Office
Warsaw, Poland |
https://ptsp.pl |
Membership Type
Contact directly to find out more. |
Established in 2011, the Polish Society for Future Studies is focused on responsible planning. It is an association that also works collaboratively on projects such as New Methods of Participatory Planning of Transport Infrastructure. |
Head Office
Warsaw, Poland |
https://ptsp.pl |
Membership Type
Contact directly to find out more. |
Prospective 2100

Founded in 1995, the association is a non-profit dedicated to encouraging decision makers to learn from la prospective (futures/ foresight). They organize conferences and workshops, and they promote futures/ foresight techniques while advising organizations. In December 2017, the 2100 Foundation spun off as a French law based non profit foundation that aims to promote worldwide academic foresight studies and help influence great policy projects facing the greatest global stakes. |
Head Office
Paris, France |
https://2100.org/asso/ |
Membership Type
Contact directly to find out more. |
Founded in 1995, the association is a non-profit dedicated to encouraging decision makers to learn from la prospective (futures/ foresight). They organize conferences and workshops, and they promote futures/ foresight techniques while advising organizations. In December 2017, the 2100 Foundation spun off as a French law based non profit foundation that aims to promote worldwide academic foresight studies and help influence great policy projects facing the greatest global stakes. |
Head Office
Paris, France |
https://2100.org/asso/ |
Membership Type
Contact directly to find out more. |
The Futures Foundation

First established in 1996 and having restructured several times through the years, The Futures Foundation is now under the guidance of Charles Brass. The Futures Foundation started the Australlasian Futures and Foresight Association in 2008. Now, The Futures Foundation is more focused on Australians, any interested in the future. |
Head Office
Melbourne, Australia |
https://futuresfoundation.org.au/ |
Membership Type
Their membership is open to any Australians. |
First established in 1996 and having restructured several times through the years, The Futures Foundation is now under the guidance of Charles Brass. The Futures Foundation started the Australlasian Futures and Foresight Association in 2008. Now, The Futures Foundation is more focused on Australians, any interested in the future. |
Head Office
Melbourne, Australia |
https://futuresfoundation.org.au/ |
Membership Type
Their membership is open to any Australians. |
Sector Specific Associations
Communities of the Future (COTF)

Started in 1989 to address different methods for encouraging cities and local communities to think about the future. They now have nodes in 11 other countries and 47 US states. |
Head Office
Gastonia, NC, USA |
https://communitiesofthefuture.org/ |
Membership Type
Membership is open to anyone wanting to help their community better prepare for the future. |
Started in 1989 to address different methods for encouraging cities and local communities to think about the future. They now have nodes in 11 other countries and 47 US states. |
Head Office
Gastonia, NC, USA |
https://communitiesofthefuture.org/ |
Membership Type
Membership is open to anyone wanting to help their community better prepare for the future. |

Begun in 1974, Euroconstruct is a network of construction specific consultancies and non-profit research institutes located in 19 different nations in Europe. They hold bi-annual conferences which are open to non-members to help them develop forecasts of the construction industry. |
Head Office
London, UK |
https://www.euroconstruct.org/ec |
Membership Type
Membership is reserved for the existing 19 consultancy and institution members. |
Begun in 1974, Euroconstruct is a network of construction specific consultancies and non-profit research institutes located in 19 different nations in Europe. They hold bi-annual conferences which are open to non-members to help them develop forecasts of the construction industry. |
Head Office
London, UK |
https://www.euroconstruct.org/ec |
Membership Type
Membership is reserved for the existing 19 consultancy and institution members. |
Public Sector Foresight Network (PSFN)
The PSFN was another offshoot from the WFS. It started in 2011 to connect foresight professionals from around the world who work in the public sector. Initially, the PSFN simply met at WFS conferences before branching out independently. |
https://www.altfutures.org/public-sector-foresight-network/ |
Membership Type
Open to government officials involved in foresight and those who work with them. Visit the website to subscribe to their mailer. |
The PSFN was another offshoot from the WFS. It started in 2011 to connect foresight professionals from around the world who work in the public sector. Initially, the PSFN simply met at WFS conferences before branching out independently. |
https://www.altfutures.org/public-sector-foresight-network/ |
Membership Type
Open to government officials involved in foresight and those who work with them. Visit the website to subscribe to their mailer. |
Society of Police Futurists International

Also known simply as Police Futurists International (PFI), PFI was established in 1991 and incorporated as a non-profit in 1992. PFI grew out of the FBI Academy’s “Futuristics in Law Enforcement” course that was created in 1982. Since its establishment, the membership has grown to include academics, researchers, and practioners as well as technology specialists, security experts, and other types of professionals. They have also recently started a European chapter to further extend their reach internationally. |
Head Office
Fort Worth, TX, USA |
https://www.policefuturists.org/ |
Membership Type
Any person or organization that shares the mission and goals of PFI is free to apply for membership. They allow a temporary membership as well as general membership for people not currently employed in law enforcement. The professional membership is reserved for law enforcement professionals. They also have institutional and student memberships. |
Also known simply as Police Futurists International (PFI), PFI was established in 1991 and incorporated as a non-profit in 1992. PFI grew out of the FBI Academy’s “Futuristics in Law Enforcement” course that was created in 1982. Since its establishment, the membership has grown to include academics, researchers, and practioners as well as technology specialists, security experts, and other types of professionals. They have also recently started a European chapter to further extend their reach internationally. |
Head Office
Fort Worth, TX, USA |
https://www.policefuturists.org/ |
Membership Type
Any person or organization that shares the mission and goals of PFI is free to apply for membership. They allow a temporary membership as well as general membership for people not currently employed in law enforcement. The professional membership is reserved for law enforcement professionals. They also have institutional and student memberships. |