Exploring the future of homes: they will be our butlers and help us live longer


A recent article The revolution that will change how Australians live within 30 years dug into the future of homes, based on interviews with some of “Australia’s top futurists” including myself.

Here are some of the quotes they took from me:
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Vectors of Disruption: a framework to clarify the key forces of change


Yesterday I gave a briefing on Technology Trends and the Future of Work to a group of Non Executive Directors of major corporations, organized by a large professional services firm for its clients.

The group was the first to get a run-through of my new concept framework Vectors of Disruption, shown below, which I used to introduce and frame the rest of my presentation.

Click on the image for the full-size pdf
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The potential and dangers of the ‘autonomous economy’ where machines transact with machines


Australia’s largest bank Commonwealth Bank has just released a very interesting white paper Welcome to the machine-to-machine economy, anticipating machines engaging in financial transactions with other machines or parties, for example hiring and paying for their own maintenance workers. This would require them to have their own bank accounts and payment systems.

Source: Commonwealth Bank
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Visual network map of MegaTrends to 2050


Futurist Richard Watson and I have collaborated for many years on client projects and visual frameworks, including Trend Blend 2007, over a decade ago sparking the trend for using subway maps to display trends and their intersections.

Richard is still at it, having recently created a massive visual exploration based on the London train network of MegaTrends out to 2050.

Click on the image to see the high resolution version – you need to spend time on this to discover the details.

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Developing the political policies that will drive a prosperous future for jobs


I recently was interviewed on ABC News about the future of jobs, in a panel dicussion with policy advisor Terry Barnes.

You can see a video of the interview below.

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First step is building quantum computers, next step is scaling them


It was a great pleasure to get a tour of the University of New South Wales’ Centre for Quantum Computation today from Prof Andrea Morello.

The Centre was last year awarded A$70 million in funding from private and public sectors with the aim of achieving ‘10 qubits in 5 years’.
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#DeleteUber: How much will activism shape the on-demand economy?


I was recently interviewed for a News Corp article on the Australian response to the global backlash on Uber.

I told the journalist in our interview that while I know a number of Australians who have deleted Uber, most Australians focus on the utility of the service. I was quoted:
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Smaller companies will drive innovation and economic growth with nimble learning and work structures


I recently did a media briefing for Telstra Business on why small and mid-sized businesses need to adopt relevant technologies to keep pace with a rapidly changing business environment. One of the interviews I did after the briefing was with Kochie’s Business Builders.

The two short videos below were excerpted from the interview, with summary notes below.

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How CIOs and technology leaders can map the future shape of their industries


I was recently interviewed for a podcast on The Future of IT for Cisco’s Connected Futures program, along with leading CTOs, CDOs and technology strategists.

You can listen to the podcast below.

Points I make in the podcast on the role of CIO and technology leadership include:
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The case of the rebirth of the Nokia 3310: why our appetite for retro-technology is increasing


Last night I was interviewed on ABC News24 about the rise of ‘retro-tech’. The story was sparked by the re-release this week of the 17-year old Nokia 3310, one of the best-loved original feature phones, racking up sales of 126 million through its life. You can see the interview below.

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