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271 search results for: influence


The role of informal social networks in building organizational creativity and innovation

For the last decade I have examined and applied social network analysis in and across organizations, for example in large professional firms, technology purchase decision-making, high-performance personal networks, and other applications. The more time you spend with the analysis of social networks in organizations and those firms that have applied the techniques, the more evident […]


Where Google+ needs to go: Why we need to be able to follow parts of people’s personas

The centrality and ease of use of the Circles feature means Google+ is a significant step forward in social networking. It has been a key platform in its initial success. The Circles feature enables people to selectively share content. Someone can send work-related discussions to their public stream, photos of their children to their family, […]


Reality mining, pervasive data capture, and how Big Data can create value

On Tuesday I gave the opening keynote on The Future of Information Infrastructure at the Implementing Information Infrastructure Symposium. CIO magazine did a nice article titled IIIS: Big Data driving new trends which reviews my keynote and the one immediately after from Steve Duplessie, one of the world’s top analysts on data and storage. It […]


DARPA offers $42 million for ‘revolutionary’ research on social media analysis

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) (slogan: Creating and Preventing Strategic Surprise) is offering $42 million in funding for “revolutionary” research into social media in strategic communication. The DARPA announcement states: The conditions under which our Armed Forces conduct operations are rapidly changing with the spread of blogs, social networking sites, and media]sharing […]