Entries by Ross Dawson

The effective CIOs of the future will be internal and external entrepreneurs

As part of the recent Tomorrow-Ready CIO event series run by CIO Magazine and IBM, I was interviewed on the messages I shared in my keynote and the supporting Future of the CIO Framework. The brief video, available on CIO Magazine, is below. Some of the points I make in the video are:

How drones could build real-world networks to transform delivery of food, medicine, mail, and more

The rise of drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) has been at the forefront of the news over the last months, with issues emerging that range from the remote use of military force to domestic privacy. However there are many very positive applications of drones. Matternet, spawned from a Singularity University program, envisages creating a network of […]

A new world of (lack of) privacy: Here’s looking at you with Google Glass

The discussion is heating up around the forthcoming Google Glass augmented reality glasses and what will almost surely be a wave of similar devices from other companies. Much of the conversation focuses on the ability of Google Glass to continuously capture video of wherever its user is looking. Following an insalubrious bar in Seattle announcing […]

Building success in the future of work: T-shaped, Pi-shaped, and Comb-shaped skills

This morning we completed the five-city Tomorrow-Ready CIO event series, run by CIO magazine and sponsored by IBM. My keynote across the five locations was on the Future of the CIO, using a Future of the CIO framework I recently created. I hope to write a number of posts in the next little while on […]

Professional services will be at the heart of our economic future

Last night was the announcement of the winners of the annual BRW Client Choice Awards. Each year Beaton Consulting compiles the opinions of large professional service clients – this year 40,000 of them – who collectively select the best professional service firms in Australia. The results are announced at a gala dinner and published in […]

New Prezi: The 45 elements of the Future of the CIO framework

One of the ways in which I use the frameworks I create is as a foundation for my keynote speeches. Since in many cases the frameworks are designed to distil the key ideas in a domain into a single graphic, they can provide a valuable lattice and flow for the ideas in a presentation. Visual […]

Launch of Future of the CIO framework

Over the next few weeks I will be giving the keynote at the Tomorrow-Ready CIO Series organized by CIO magazine and sponsored by IBM. The events will be held over breakfast in Canberra, Perth, Sydney, Auckland and Melbourne, with an audience of CIOs and other senior IT executives. Full details on the events here. My […]

The future of social media: Almost all commerce will become social

Earlier this month Air New Zealand ran its second Social Media Breakfast in Auckland, with close to 1,000 people coming to see Teddy Goff, the Digital Director of Obama’s campaign, and myself speak. The number of attendees had increased since Randy Zuckerberg spoke at the first Social Media Breakfast last July, and now Air New […]