Entries by Ross Dawson

In a world of peer learning the opportunities flow to talent and those who share

I recently gave the closing keynote at the Lectora User Conference 2015 in Nashville, Tennessee, which brought together users from around the world of the Lectora e-learning authoring platform. My keynote on Embracing the Future looked at the broad trends shaping our world, and how they were shaping the world of education in particular. Peer […]

A taxonomy of branded content and its role in the future of media

Immediately after my opening keynote on Creating the Future of News at INMA World Congress in New York last week was a very interesting plenary session from Neil Zuckerman of Boston Consulting Group (BCG) on branded content in the future of media, drawing on a recent multi-country study they have done. I had already emphasized […]

Keynote slides: Creating the Future of News

Tomorrow I am giving the opening keynote at International News Media Association (INMA) World Congress in New York. Over 400 senior news executives from 45 countries are gathering to gain insights into the leading edge and path forward for news organizations globally. My keynote provides a highly positive perspective on the extraordinary opportunities for the […]

The need for innovation across boundaries and the power of big data analytics

I attended a very interesting lunch today hosted by EMC launching a study and report on Information Generation, drawing on a survey of 3,600 executives globally looking at what will drive their business in coming years. The primary themes of the report were around spotting opportunities, innovation, transparency and trust, personalization, and 24/7 availability, and […]

Cities reconfigured: How changing work, shopping, community, and transport will transform our collective lives

One of our companies, Future Exploration Network, recently created a detailed report for a client delving into the most important shifts shaping the next decade and beyond. One of the themes was Cities Reconfigured. The section began: Urbanisation has proved to be a dominant global force, shaping both developed and developing countries. We know cities […]

Using testable hypotheses to bring lean startup into the enterprise

Last week I ran a brief workshop at the strategy offsite of a professional services organization, with their top 100 executives in attendance. They wanted to understand major business trends and the implications for both their own organization as well as the services that will be valuable for their clients. In a highly interactive session […]

Building richer mental models is the heart of strategy – the role of scenario planning

Strategy is an intrinsically human task. Setting successful strategies is based on our ability to think effectively, both individually and collectively, about extraordinarily complex domains. In a recent keynote I did for clients of New Scientist magazine on Science and Leadership for the Future, I discussed how executives can think effectively about strategy. The following […]