Fantastic news! Juliette Powell, author of the freshly launched book on social networking 33 Million People in the Room, founder of The Gathering Think Tank, and leading broadcaster and media entrepreneur, is coming to Sydney for the first time next week.
To take advantage of this there’ll be an informal gathering:
‘Conversation with Juliette Powell’
27 May, 6:00pm-7:30pm
Bar 77 (Mezzanine), Grace Hotel
77 York Street, Sydney
Juliette will share some thoughts on her book and where social networking is heading and then it will open out to conversation.
Juliette is particularly interested in learning about the implications of the National Broadband Network for her next book.
Everyone is welcome – just turn up.
Feel free to let other know. Event hashtag is #jpsyd
Juliette will be available for media interviews while she’s in town
Juliette Powell and 33 Million People in the Room
Check out the website for Juliette’s new book 33 Million People in the Room. It includes free excerpts, including an analysis of Obama’s use of social media in the presidential campaign.
Also see the Wikipedia entry on Juliette for more on her fascinating journey.
Here are a few of the fantastic reviews that Juliette’s book has received:
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Paul Krugman on the state of the global economy live at MegaTrends in Abu Dhabi
By Ross DawsonThe biggest highlight of the MegaTrends conference for me (other than my own keynote :-) ) is the presentation by Paul Krugman, who won the Nobel prize for economics last year, on the state of the global economy. I have a lot of respect for his outlook. Live notes from his speech:
The volume of world trade has fallen off a cliff – down 15% over the last year, the biggest since the Great Depression. In fact there are many similarities to the Depression, but that doesn’t mean that it will be the same. The global economy is stabilizing, but not recovering. Things are getting worse, but more slowly. It *probably* won’t be another Great Depression. Extraordinary declines in output, employment and more. There have been no havens.
So how did it happen? The crisis was far more global than those that point to US mortgage lending as the source. European debt losses will probably be as large as those in the US. There was an epidemic of excessive borrowing across all domains. The IMF now predicts $4 trillion of bad debt.
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Live blogging the MegaTrends conference
By Ross DawsonI’m at the MegaTrends conference in Abu Dhabi where I will be giving my keynote this afternoon. I’ll be live blogging the morning sessions.
The conference was opened by His Excellency Sultan Bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan, a member of the Al Nahyan Abu Dhabi royal family, and chairman of Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority and several other government bodies.
He said that they have recently re-examined their forecasts, and still predict 15% growth in tourism each year over the next years. Yesterday the local newspaper reported that Abu Dhabi airport arrivals in April were up 12% from last year, suggesting this is feasible despite the downturn. This is strongly supported by the success of Etihad, the Abu Dhabi based airline that was established in 2003, and provides strong connectivity from Europe to Middle Eastern and Asian centers.
As mentioned the other day, one of the critical issues for the UAE is establishing itself as a hub in this time zone. Dubai and Abu Dhabi, despite their strong relationship, compete for regional activity, particularly in financial services. The UAE pulled out of the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) monetary union because Riyadh in Saudi Arabia was selected as the home for the union’s central bank.
More soon.
Keynote presentation: Profiting from Accelerating Change – MegaTrends in Abu Dhabi
Keynote in Abu Dhabi: The future of the Gulf region
By Ross DawsonNext Monday I do the closing keynote at the MegaTrends conference in Abu Dhabi. The opening keynote will be by Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, while I will close speaking on ‘Profiting from Accelerating Change in a Downturn’.
While I will be speaking from a global perspective, I will also be addressing some of the specific issues of the Gulf region and particularly United Arab Emirates
These issues include:
* Reinvesting oil wealth with a limited lifetime into the long-term growth sectors
* A very strong construction component in the Dubai and Abu Dhabi economies among a global real-estate and credit downturn
* Strong divergence in the last six months between the Dubai economy which has slumped dramatically and the Abu Dhabi economy which is still strong
* A highly polarized labor force, with a large very low-cost employment sector populated from the region, and also many global professionals
* Taking advantage of the location between Europe and Asia
Yesterday’s Dubai Chronicle did an article titled GCC Economy could reflect strong over-performance in next economic boom, based on a pre-conference interview with me, as below.
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Keynote: Transforming Aged Care with Technology
By Ross DawsonTomorrow morning I am doing the second day opening keynote at ITAC09 – Information Technology in Aged Care conference.
Here is my presentation – as always these are intended to accompany my speech, not as stand-alone slides.
I hope to write some more on this blog on this topic before long, though it depends what I can fit in…
Conversation with Juliette Powell – Sydney, 27 May
By Ross DawsonFantastic news! Juliette Powell, author of the freshly launched book on social networking 33 Million People in the Room, founder of The Gathering Think Tank, and leading broadcaster and media entrepreneur, is coming to Sydney for the first time next week.
To take advantage of this there’ll be an informal gathering:
‘Conversation with Juliette Powell’
27 May, 6:00pm-7:30pm
Bar 77 (Mezzanine), Grace Hotel
77 York Street, Sydney
Juliette will share some thoughts on her book and where social networking is heading and then it will open out to conversation.
Juliette is particularly interested in learning about the implications of the National Broadband Network for her next book.
Everyone is welcome – just turn up.
Feel free to let other know. Event hashtag is #jpsyd
Juliette will be available for media interviews while she’s in town
Juliette Powell and 33 Million People in the Room
Check out the website for Juliette’s new book 33 Million People in the Room. It includes free excerpts, including an analysis of Obama’s use of social media in the presidential campaign.
Also see the Wikipedia entry on Juliette for more on her fascinating journey.
Here are a few of the fantastic reviews that Juliette’s book has received:
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Visualization: RSS in the Enterprise
By Ross DawsonHere continuing our series of visual representations of social media tools inside organizations, taken from our Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report.
The diagram below was used in the chapter on RSS in the enterprise, to illustrate how RSS can support effective information flows in the organization.
Go to the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 downloads page for several free chapters.
More Enterprise 2.0 visualizations coming soon.
Notes from The Power of Influence
By Ross DawsonThe Power of Influence lunch was run earlier today. This was in fact the inaugural event of The Insight Exchange. The quality of the event and the feedback augur well for The Insight Exchange future’s, and particularly for the value it will create for participants. It was a highly interactive event, with deep content and great discussion.
Below are the notes I took during the event.
I initially presented the Influence Landscape framework we launched yesterday, after which the three panelists spoke and the event then progressed to a highly interactive discussion among all participants, from which I have taken a few notes as well.
75% of people don’t believe that companies tell the truth in advertising.
In the US 81% look to word of mouth (WOM) for decisions.
Trust in media Editorial is 56%.
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Implementing Enterprise 2.0: Free Chapter 7 – Governance
By Ross DawsonContinuing our series of free chapters from Implementing Enterprise 2.0, here is Chapter 7 on Governance. For full details on the report and all the sample chapters go to the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 website.
Within the Enterprise 2.0 Implementation Framework above, governance is an absolutely critical and central issue, as I have written about many times before. I have included the chapter on governance because it is so central both to implementing Enterprise 2.0, and to generating business value in a fast-paced environment. Change entails risk and opportunity – governance provides a structure to enable this.
Chapter 4 on Key Risks and Benefits , also available as a free download, examines the risks and benefits that must be considered in the governance process.
The Governance chapter contains:
* Conceptual illustration of social networks in the enterprise (see as a standalone image)
* The importance of the governance
* Six steps in a typical governance process
* Worksheet on stakeholder interests
* Professional service firm case study
You can also just download the pdf of Chapter 7.
Implementing Enterprise 2.0: Chapter 7 – Governance
Launch of the Influence Landscape framework (Beta)
By Ross DawsonToday we launch our Influence Landscape framework! Click on the image to download the pdf.
This continues our tradition of creating frameworks to elucidate where things are going, including extremely popular visuals such as Future of Media Strategic Framework, Future of the Media Lifecycle, Enterprise 2.0 Implementation Framework and many more.
The Influence Landscape framework is launched in a Beta version that will be refined and developed over time, as influence is now one of our major research and content directions.
Tomorrow 19 May The Insight Exchange runs The Power of Influence luncheon in Sydney, which will cover how to create value in the emerging influence landscape. We are also preparing our landmark Future of Influence Summit (evolving out of the Future of Media Summit), due 1 September – details very soon!
A few quick comments on the framework:
A wide array of forces are shifting value and attention to the influence landscape and from traditional media, advertising, and marketing.
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Rapid turnover in the Web 2.0 space – the best get acquired
By Ross DawsonA review of what had happened to the Web 2.0 poster-children prompted me to review what had happened to the companies featured in my Web 2.0 Landscape dating from May 2007. This was one of the elements of our Web 2.0 Framework which has now been downloaded over 150,000 times.
In the diagram below the green circles indicate the companies have been acquired, while a red cross shows the company has joined the dead-pool. (This was a quick review so I may have missed things – let me know if so.)
If you compare this with the review of the companies in probably the most famous overview of Web 2.0 logos and companies below, my list seems to have been quite a lot more successful, I suppose since I was selecting these as representing a particular aspect of value creation rather than being randomly selected.
[UPDATE:] I’ve just worked out that this means 32.7% of the companies in our list have been acquired in the last two years, which is pretty significant turnover.
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