Entries by Ross Dawson

Keynote speech – The future of local government

Recently Australian futurist Ross Dawson gave a keynote speech on ‘Creating the future of local government’ at the Local Government Association of Tasmania‘s annual conference. On the occasion of its 100th anniversary, the association wanted to look forward to the future. The current issue of the association’s magazine, LGAT News, contains a write-up of his […]

Future of customer service – Marketing futurist Ross Dawson

Recently marketing futurist Ross Dawson gave a keynote speech on the ‘The future of customer service’ at KANA Connect in Las Vegas. In his keynote he packed in a wide-ranging view on where customer service is going, including the impact of connectivity, the rise of new channels, where value will reside in relationships, and what […]

Why microblogging has moved to the heart of enterprise social initiatives

I recently wrote Why conversational skills are needed to create a high-performance, engaged, networked organization, reflecting on an executive roundtable discussion I lead as part of the 21st anniversary celebrations of the Graduate School of Business of the University of New England. The roundtable was also written up in the Australian Financial Review, which provides […]

How to make friends with and influence Sydney’s entrepreneurial and self-employed community

This year we celebrate the 14th annual Entrepreneurs and Self-Employed Xmas Party in Sydney. As every year, the intention is to provide an opportunity for entrepreneurs and self-employed people, primarily from the technology and creative sectors, to celebrate the end of a great year with their peers. While corporate employees have someone to put on […]

The inside is the outside: The Möbius strip and Klein bottle as metaphors for the future of organizations

In a number of my recent keynotes, including at Connected Enterprise and the CIO Summit, I have discussed the blurring of the inside and outside as a critical facet of the future of organizations. The Möbius strip is a simple strip of paper folded once and pasted so that it has only one side. A […]

Creating a better world through apps: the power of mobile in catalyzing networks for good

I was recently invited to attend the presentations and awards for the Vodafone App Aid competition and to interview Guy Kawasaki, who was one of the event’s judges. App Aid selected 10 charities who saw the need for a mobile app. App developers signed up for teams that developed apps from scratch in 48 hours […]