Entries by Ross Dawson

Crowdfunding creates a new layer of capital markets and new layers of value

Yesterday ABC News featured a story on crowdfunding, providing a quick overview of the space for a broad audience. An edited version of the segment on the 7pm News also appeared on The Business program. Click on the image to see a video of the news segment. Having spent quite a few years working in […]

The launch of Hub Sydney – crowdfunding memberships and distributed value creation

The Hub global movement was founded in London in 2005, and is a very rapidly growing network of so far 30 Hub communities co-working spaces established around the world and over 5000 members. I first heard of the Hub soon after it was established, but was first directly exposed to the network when I ran […]

Crowdsourcing Week in Singapore promises to help catalyze the global potential of crowdsourcing

Epi Nekaj, the founder of crowdsourcing innovator Ludvik + Partners, first got in touch with me in early 2012 to discuss his plan to run a landmark global event focused on crowdsourcing. On June 3-7 Crowdsourcing Week will be held in Singapore, bringing the Crowdsourcing Week team’s vision to fruition.

LinkedIn removes reply before accepting invitations, accelerating the devaluation of connections [UPDATED]

[UPDATE] LinkedIn has now restored this functionality. They have variously said that it is a test they were running and a technical issue. Whatever the reality, hopefully the weight of users’ voices is helping LinkedIn to focus on supporting valued connections. In 2011 I wrote about The continuing devaluation of LinkedIn connections. When I first […]

Social networks and engineering serendipity in the workplace

The New York Times has an interesting article titled Engineering Serendipity which looks at the some of the ways companies are trying to create felicitous and unexpected connections between their staff. After introducing what Yahoo! and Google are doing in the space, the article continues: As Yahoo and Google see it, serendipity is largely a […]