Entries by Ross Dawson

Future meetups next week in NYC and Toronto

I will be in New York City next Monday 25th and then in Toronto for a couple of days for a client media campaign on the future. Since I’m in town so briefly I’m organizing ‘Future meetups’ in each city. These bring together some interesting people I know and anyone else who is interested in […]

Will rapid advances in robots and AI displace work and jobs or create them?

One of the most important – and uncertain – questions we face is whether rapid technological developments in domains such as robotics, artificial intelligence and telepresence will lead to substantial unemployment. Pew Internet has just launched a very interesting report AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs which delves into this topic by drawing on […]

Concept video: The Future of Work

A while ago at Future Exploration Network we created the Future of Work Framework to provide a high-level overview of how the world of work is shifting. Over the past year I have used the framework extensively as a starting point for executive briefings and strategy workshops on the strategic implications of the rapidly changing […]

The Future of Healthcare: Power shifting to the patient

Ross Dawson recently did the opening keynote speech at Australasian Long-term Health Conditions Conference in Auckland, New Zealand. NZ Doctor reported on Dawson’s keynote in an article titled Technology shifts the ‘power’ to patients: Technology is driving a shift of power from institutions and professions towards consumers and individuals, according to futurist Ross Dawson. A […]

Keynote slides: The Future of Healthcare

Yesterday I gave the opening keynote at the Australasian Longterm Health Conditions Conference in Auckland on The Future of Healthcare. A conference report in NZ Doctor said that “Mr Dawson wowed delegates with examples of technology changing the way we live and work”. The primary theme of my keynote was that power and control is […]

Business transformation: an ongoing process of shifting to more open organizations

A recent article in CMO.com titled Telcos Undertake Customer-Focused Transformation shared some of my thoughts on the realities of business transformation. The article opens: Transformation isn’t so much a process as a modus operandi for successful businesses in the digital age, according to Australian futurist and digital strategist Ross Dawson. Dawson said that successful, ongoing […]

Agencies must adapt to a marketing world based on open systems

John Winsor, CEO of crowdsourcing-based advertising agency Victors & Spoils and Chief Innovation Officer at global marketing conglomerate Havas, has long been an innovator and provocateur in agency world. He gave the keynote at the Future of Crowdsourcing Summit I ran in San Francisco and Sydney in 2010, and his agency was featured as a […]