Entries by Ross Dawson

Join Us in Creating the Future of PR!

The fundamental capabilities of PR professionals are more relevant than ever in our intensely networked world. Arguably, PR should be at the center of the marketing universe, since it is better able than any other discipline to deal with a world driven by relationships, fueled by connectivity, social, mobile, and power shifting to the individual. […]

Harnessing the power of innovation: networks are at the heart

Every organization understands they need to innovate, not just in bringing new offerings to market, but in continually becoming a new and better organization. Networks are always at the heart of innovation. The new comes from combining the old in original ways. Chemist Kary Mullis aptly described how he arrived at his innovations that won […]

Passion and the Future of Work

A little while ago, I spoke in the keynote session of the Richmond Financial Industry Forum in Interlaken, Switzerland. I spoke on Passion and the Future of Work. Below are some distilled thoughts from my keynote presentation. The future of work is perhaps the most important lens to understand the future of business, society, and […]

Consumer expectations continue to rise: advocacy reduces, antagonism rises, but trust enables value creation

The latest results from IBM’s annual Smarter Consumer Study provide interesting insights. If consumers are smarter, they are expressing it with not just increased expectations, but an increasingly active expression of their displeasure if expectations are not met. The following chart, provided to me by IBM in response to a request for more detailed information, […]

Insights into the levers of innovation in 40 major cities globally

The City Initiatives for Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CITIE), a joint venture of NESTA, Catapult, and Accenture, has just release a very interesting report on the drivers of innovation in major cities globally. The CITIE Framework examines 9 different areas in which cities can support entrepreneurship and innovation, shown here: