Entries by Ross Dawson

The headache (and opportunity) of managing your company’s online reputation

In a world of instantaneous information flows, managing company reputation is ever more fraught. An interesting article in Techworld titled How to manage your online reputation goes into the issue, describing how pharma firm GlaxoSmithKline had one of its trademarks hijacked by a dodgy company. The piece goes on: “Reputations are more visible – and […]

Open business: Sharing our group priorities for 2012 – Why not?

A year ago I shared a visualization of our AHT Group Business Model. Following that, I am now sharing our group 2012 Priorities. This comes from the principle of Open Business you can see in the 7 Enablers for our strategy. Our intention is to share more about the drivers of our business. The 2012 […]

The decade ahead for media

The latest issue of the annual publication Media Trends + Strategy magazine kicks off with a feature article I wrote titled The Decade Ahead for Media. Here is the article: The decade ahead for media The future of the media industry as a whole is extraordinarily bright. Alongside the extraordinary rise of social media and […]

Dominant themes for 2012: transformation and beyond

In December I created a list of 12 themes to frame the year ahead, and then explored the ideas in a number of media interviews. The slides for the 12 themes have been seen almost 50,000 times now, suggesting they struck a chord somewhere. It’s now interesting to reflect on these, especially the response from […]

In the global talent economy over 50% will be mobile workers

[This post first appeared on the Getting Results From Crowds book website] Research firm IDC has forecast that there will be 1.3 billion ‘mobile workers’ in the world by 2015, representing 37.2% of the global workforce. This points to the massive explosion of what I call the ‘global talent economy’, in which talent can be […]