Entries by Ross Dawson

Understanding organizational change: Exceptional visualizations of evolving org charts

Org charts have long been used to show people the formal reporting lines in organizations, usually as a hierarchy with different levels. However organizations are regularly re-organized, requiring a new org chart to be created. In fact, organizations are completely dynamic, changing in ways small and large every single day. A fantastic video (below) depicts […]

The potential of open source 3D printed housing and community

This morning I was interviewed on the Mornings program about open source 3D printed houses. You can view a video of the segment by clicking on the image below. We primarily discussed the fantastic Wikihouse project, which provides Creative Commons plans for parts which can be 3D printed or machine cut and readily assembled to […]

Jobs of the future: sports referees out, emotional designers in

This morning I was interviewed on the national breakfast program Sunrise on the future of jobs, discussing a report that suggested 40% of jobs could be replaced by automation in the next 10-15 years. Click on the image to see a video of the segment: In the segment I pointed to some of the broader […]

40-50% of jobs are at risk of being lost to automation, but where will they disappear fastest?

The Committee for Economic Development for Australia (CEDA) today launched a landmark publication Australia’s Future Workforce? It’s an excellent report, bringing together contributions from leading researchers from Australia and globally, looking at the exceptional challenges of the changing landscape of work, and some of the policy prescriptions that will help nations and their citizens to […]

The real role of education is to teach us to play

Earlier this year I gave the opening keynote at the annual thought leadership forum of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, with the conference this year titled “Future Proofing the Profession: Preparing Business Leaders and Finance Professionals for 2025”. An interesting article titled The uncertain future of work reviewed some of the ideas presented by […]

What people value in creating better lives: differences around the world

The OECD has created a wonderful interactive visual map of the world, showing the Better Life Index – what people value most in their lives – in different countries around the world. Source: OECD It is fascinating to see what people value the most around the world. When we look at cultural differences between countries, […]