Entries by Ross Dawson

The role of BRIC in the future of global media

As I mentioned the other day, I am giving the keynote at Ketchum PR’s Global Media Network meeting in New York later this week. One of the themes of my keynote will be the increasing divergence in the structure of media markets around the world, which I will illustrate with my Newspaper Extinction Timeline. Immediately […]

Launch of Newspaper Extinction Timeline for every country in the world

[UPDATE December 20, 2017: Read a review of the Newspaper Extinction Timeline 7 years after it was published] Back in August [2010] I predicted that newspapers in their current form will be irrelevant in Australia in 2022. That received significant international attention including from The Australian, The Guardian, Editor & Publisher (which called me the […]

Why Crowdsourcing is the future of EVERYTHING (including 12 key areas (with just 3 exceptions))

The theme of Future of Crowdsourcing Summit, coming up soon in San Francisco and Sydney, is how crowdsourcing (applying the minds of many) is the future of everything. It’s a big claim, though to be frank I can’t think of many things it’s not the future of. Anything of human creation, which is most of […]