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184 search results for: reputation


Sponsored Tweets opens up the world of monetizing influence

Sponsored Tweets has just launched, providing a sophisticated pay per tweet system. Mashable has a detailed review of Sponsored Tweets, including how disclosure is handled. The Sponsored Tweets platform works by giving advertisers the ability to create campaigns and select, invite, and approve Twitterers of their choosing to participate in their sponsored campaigns. On the […]


THE best Enterprise 2.0 experts and consultants in Australia share their expertise in workshops at Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum

Anyone who has attended our conferences knows that we create highly interactive and participatory events. One of the features we always run is ‘participant roundtables’ in which all attendees select topics of particular interest and share perspectives with their peers, who at our events are usually senior, highly experienced people. At Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum […]


Video excerpts of keynote speech for Sun Microsystems Partner Executive Forum: The Future of the Network Economy

I recently gave the keynote speech for a Sun Microsystems Partner Executive Forum, where Sun brought together the top executives from its extensive partner network for an update and relationship building session. Below is an 8 min video containing brief excerpts from my keynote, titled The Future of the Network Economy. Topics covered in the […]