In a world in which podcasts are one of the fastest growing media formats, I am delighted to be the host for the new podcast series Where the World’s Moving, produced by BBC Storyworks commercial productions and presented by global money transfer company OFX. The podcast is framed around global fluidity and the future:.
Today’s world is fluid – ideas are big, people are moving fast, and our place in the world is changing. From work-life, to connectivity and community, our series explores where the world is moving and how these shifts are bringing us closer together to facilitate collaboration and human progress.
Drilling down from this concept 8 interlocking themes were selected, illustrated by conversations with a series of exceptional people.
The first two episodes are interviews with:
Aaron Foley
Detroit. The motor city whose fortunes were inexorably tied to the rise and fall of the United States’ heavy industries has reversed its waning fortune by tapping into its rich history of entrepreneurship, small business and tight-knit community spirit.
Just ask City of Detroit’s Chief Storyteller, Aaron Foley, who shares in on the city’s renaissance, and the importance of a sense of place and belonging in today’s world.
Dr Kate Ringvall
In 2007, the percentage of people living in urban and metropolitan areas hit 50% for the first time in humanity’s history.
In this episode, IKEA Australia’s Sustainability Manager, Dr Kate Ringvall, discusses a future that will demand ever smarter, more innovative approaches to urban development and how adaptive design can help us maximize our space.
Please ‘tune in’ to the podcast series. After these two initial episodes more fascinating conversations will follow!
I will update this post with the other episodes as they are released.
Launch of my new vlog: Experiments will be at the heart of the future
By Ross DawsonFor many years I have been wanting to do a vlog – a video blog – partly to make it quicker and easier to share thoughts and ideas. I have had a blog for 16 years now, but find it hard to find the time to blog as much as I’d like.
So here is Episode 1 of my new vlog: Exploring the Future!
Please have a watch, share if you feel so inclined, and if you like it please subscribe to my YouTube channel. After switching from my old channel I am now essentially building this one from scratch.
Here is the essence of what I cover in this episode:
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6 key elements of strategy for emerging technologies
By Ross DawsonOver the last 7 days I have done the keynote at the Oracle Impact conferences in Melbourne, Brisbane and Auckland on the topic of Technology Leadership in an Accelerating World.
The events were centered around emerging technologies, particularly AI, IoT and Blockchain, and how these can be applied in a business environment.
The central theme of my keynote was the role of the senior technology executives in working with the business leaders to understand and seize the emerging opportunities from new technologies.
The slides to my presentation are below, as always with the disclaimer that were designed to support my keynote, not to stand alone.
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Launch of podcast series: Where the world’s moving
By Ross DawsonIn a world in which podcasts are one of the fastest growing media formats, I am delighted to be the host for the new podcast series Where the World’s Moving, produced by BBC Storyworks commercial productions and presented by global money transfer company OFX. The podcast is framed around global fluidity and the future:.
Drilling down from this concept 8 interlocking themes were selected, illustrated by conversations with a series of exceptional people.
The first two episodes are interviews with:
Aaron Foley
Detroit. The motor city whose fortunes were inexorably tied to the rise and fall of the United States’ heavy industries has reversed its waning fortune by tapping into its rich history of entrepreneurship, small business and tight-knit community spirit.
Just ask City of Detroit’s Chief Storyteller, Aaron Foley, who shares in on the city’s renaissance, and the importance of a sense of place and belonging in today’s world.
Dr Kate Ringvall
In 2007, the percentage of people living in urban and metropolitan areas hit 50% for the first time in humanity’s history.
In this episode, IKEA Australia’s Sustainability Manager, Dr Kate Ringvall, discusses a future that will demand ever smarter, more innovative approaches to urban development and how adaptive design can help us maximize our space.
Please ‘tune in’ to the podcast series. After these two initial episodes more fascinating conversations will follow!
I will update this post with the other episodes as they are released.
How we should be thinking about virtual reality and “techno-sex”
By Ross DawsonLast week a feature article in the Good Weekend magazine of Sydney Morning Herald asked Can ‘techno sex’ ever be as good as the real thing?
The piece focused on how virtual reality is being used for adult entertainment and the potential implications, both negative and positive.
The article quotes me in my role as futurist and publisher of commenting on the developments and emerging possibilities:
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The increasing divergence in performance of organizations: why innovators own the future
By Ross DawsonI have long pointed to the increasing divergence in performance of organizations as a dominant feature of today’s business landscape.
In short, as the pace of change accelerates organizations that are not changing fast enough are being left behind, while the front-runners are actively seizing the opportunities of change.
Recently more evidence has emerged to support this.
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Will newspapers still exist in Australia in 2022? This morning their demise may have been accelerated
By Ross DawsonWhile I don’t believe in predictions, I am in some quarters best-known for one of the only clear-cut predictions I have made, on the global timing of the extinction (or more precisely pending insignificance) of news-on-paper.
This morning’s news that the broadcaster Nine is “merging with” (essentially taking over) news publisher Fairfax to create Australia’s largest media company has sparked heated discussion on the future of the Australian media landscape.
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Free chapters to four books on the future of relationships, networks, organizations and work
By Ross DawsonThe four books I have written so far – Developing Knowledge-Based Client Relationships, Living Networks, Implementing Enterprise 2.0, and Getting Results From Crowds – are linked by a number common themes. Most importantly they all focus on what what we should do now to create value given the evident trends shaping the future of business and society.
Most of these books had dedicated websites, however I have now consolidated all the resources on one book page on this site, giving access to free chapters, reviews, contents and other resources from each book. Please feel free to explore and download the resources.
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My new keynote speaker showcase video is out!
By Ross DawsonAs a keynote speaker it is essential to have a good showcase video that potential clients can watch to get a feel for your style. Virtually every keynote speaking client I’ve had for the last few years has watched mine.
My previous keynote speaker showcase video was getting rather dated, and it’s been long overdue for me to create a new one.
I’ve finally finished my new showcase video, after trawling through many videos of my keynotes, and selecting highlights to include.
Please check out my new showcase video below:
Let me know any thoughts or feedback!
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Balancing the productivity of focus and the excitement of unfocus
By Ross DawsonI have a problem. I find it extraordinarily difficult to be focused.
The delight and enticement of all the possibilities of a rapidly evolving world are irresistible to me.
Pushing back at the startup mantra of focus
Having spent many years ensconced in startup communities I have heard over and over again the mantra of Focus Focus Focus.
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5 steps to accelerating trust development
By Ross DawsonArguably trust is today more than ever at the heart of value creation in the economy. The development of trusting, high-value business relationships is not an accident, it can be done purposefully. Below is a still highly-relevant excerpt from Chapter 4 of my book Living Networks describing how to do this.
Accelerating trust development
Participating in the network economy requires very actively developing new and existing relationships with customers, suppliers, and partners. As you saw earlier in this chapter, companies’ external relationships are becoming both deeper and broader. Some firms do whatever seems right each time they take on a new customer, supplier, or alliance partner. Others have careful and detailed processes for building closer relationships that benefit both parties. IBM spends almost $1 billion on its alliance program for software developers, getting its return through the generation of over $4 billion in additional sales. It has a formal 40-step process that executives must go through with potential partners before signing an alliance agreement, including examining the fit with IBM, and getting a senior IBM executive to agree to act as an internal sponsor for the alliance.
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