Entries by Ross Dawson

Living Networks – Chapter 10: Liberating Individuals – Network Strategy for Free Agents

Download Chapter 10 of Living Networks on Liberating Individuals Every chapter of Living Networks is being released on this blog as a free download, together with commentary and updated perspectives since its original publication in 2002. For the full Table of Contents and free chapter downloads see the Living Networks website or the Book Launch/ […]

Breaking through BRIC: How to work with media in Brazil, Russia, India, China

A couple of months ago I contributed to Ketchum’s Global Media Network meeting in New York, giving the opening keynote on the Future of Global Media, and participating in the follow-up panel on how to work with media in Brazil, Russia, India, and China, titled “Breaking Through BRIC: Understanding These Influential Global Media Landscapes”. Ketchum […]

7 critical aspects of Tibbr’s big step forward for enterprise social software

Earlier this week I gave the opening keynote at the Sydney launch of Tibbr, the new social enterprise offering from TIBCO. I hope to have the video of my presentation up before long. Before the event I summarized some of the very positive commentary on Tibbr since the San Francisco launch two weeks ago. It’s […]

It is the structure of social networks that shapes influence… and the structure is changing

New York Times today examines the interesting question of Why Some Twitter Posts Catch On, and Some Don’t, starting from the fact that frivolous hashtags such as #worstpickuplines get far more attention than commentary on current affairs such as ‘Mubarak’, and going on to look at a range of research on influence. The article quotes […]

Context is king: what it means for brands

I have always been wary of the phrase ‘content is king’ and the kinds of people who say that, usually in self-aggrandisement. The rise of Apple iTunes has, with all the grace and elegance of a sledgehammer, amply demonstrated that it ain’t necessarily so. In an article on CNBC titled The New King: Context!, Nicholas […]

What is possible: how the social enterprise drives differentiation

I recently gave a presentation to an internal team tasked with re-envisaging the intranet for a large corporation. I was impressed that they had brought together around 40 managers and executives from across the company to spend two days thinking in a very open format about what internal communication could and should be like, and […]

Review of Tibbr social enterprise platform – keynote at Sydney launch on February 8

The launch last week in San Francisco of Tibbr, the social enterprise computing platform from TIBCO, attracted an immense amount of attention from the leading commentators in the space. The offering is not directly comparable to any existing enterprise social software suites, and draws on TIBCO’s strong integration heritage to create an offering that works […]

What is the future of the IT department?

The future of enterprise technology is a massively important theme, which impacts organizations, vendors, governments, and indeed society at large. Taking each of these perspectives provides a different view on how the space is evolving. One of the most interesting perspectives is from the very center of the fray: the IT department itself. It needs […]