Entries by Ross Dawson

Serendipity is at the heart of today’s emerging society

Serendipity is for me a deeply meaningful word. The more than dozen posts discussing serendipity on my blog include how we created “enhanced serendipity” at an event I ran in 2003 in New York, more details on the story of the word serendipity and how to enhance it, the importance of the “serendipity dial” and […]

Why high performance organizations will thrive on uncertainty and lack of control

I recently gave a presentation at an offsite meeting of the leadership team of a global professional services firm. I was asked to speak about the future of business, and to be provocative, which is usually my objective in that kind of situation – it’s not very valuable if you can’t get people to think […]

Launch of Future of Sex: why we’re doing it

My company Advanced Human Technologies has recently launched the website Future of Sex (futureofsex.net), which explores the intersection of technology and human sexuality. A few people have been surprised to see us launch this site, as it is a little different from the topics we usually cover. Here is the background and reasons why we’ve […]

SEC opens the gates to crowdfunding and a new structure of capitalism

This is significant. While talk doesn’t necessarily lead to action, a significant shift in capitalism could be coming. On Wednesday US SEC Chairman Mary Shapiro sent a letter to Rep. Darrell Issa, chair of the House Oversight Committee. The letter is embedded at the bottom of this post. Many have focused on the potential from […]

Is this overload? 9.57 zettabytes of information flows in the world’s enterprises

A recent report titled How Much Information? 2010 Enterprise Server Information written by several UC – San Diego academics says that in 2008 the world’s servers processed 9.57 zettabytes (zettabyte = 10 to the power of 21), or 9,570,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes. A couple of analogies from Physorg illustrate these amounts: * 9.57 zettabytes is equivalent of […]