Entries by Ross Dawson

Keynote slides: The Power of Social Media and Future Organizations

This morning I am giving the external keynote at a closed conference for senior client executives run by a major professional services firm. They know the technical content they are presenting is rather dry so my role is to provide a highly engaging kick-off to the day (spouses are invited too) which is also practical […]

The global polarization of work: what we can do about it

Today I gave the keynote at an invitation-only meeting of senior executives looking at the future of their industry. My role was to bring perspectives on the broader drivers of change in business. One of the central themes of my keynote was the future of work and organizations. There are of course many facets to […]

More research: browsing for fun at work boosts productivity

My post yesterday about Angry Birds and productivity at work: why distractions can help has generated some good discussion. Ever a source of great information, Arie Goldshlager has now pointed me to additional research that supports the National University of Singapore study I pointed to in the article. In this brief video Dr Brent Coker […]

Looking for Outstanding Researcher/ Writer on Crowdsourcing

We have just posted a job on Odesk for an Outstanding Researcher/ Writer on Crowdsourcing in a freelance role. Below is the job description. If you’re interested please respond on Odesk. We’re very excited about our forthcoming book on how to crowdsource effectively, so if you really understand crowdsourcing, are a good researcher and great […]

Why reputation, influence, and attention are becoming central to economies but are not currencies

This morning I gave the opening keynote for an internal future strategy session at a large insurance company. A group of 40 executives from across the organization, as part of a six month program, are spending two days immersing themselves in thinking about how the structure of the economy could change in the years and […]

Detailed stats: Social networks dominate Internet usage, Australia still #1

Research company Nielsen has just released detailed statistics on online activity, focusing on social networks and blogging, which at 22.5% of time spent online dominate Internet usage, with more than twice the next category games, at 9.8% of time spent. Below are a few highlights and comments from the full report. Facebook completely dominates the […]

Support for crowdfunding in Obama’s Jobs Bill is taking it mainstream

Earlier this year I wrote how the US SEC was opening the gates to crowdfunding and a new structure of capitalism with mooted regulatory changes. Now the US President’s proposed Jobs Bill is explicitly focusing on crowdfunding as a mechanism to support entrepreneurs and startups. A post on the White House’s Office and Science Technology […]