Entries by Ross Dawson

Workshop slides: Creating the Future of Professional Services

I am about to hop on a plane to Hawaii, where I will be running the ‘keynote workshop’ on Creating the Future of Professional Services for global accounting network DFK International’s annual North America conference on Maui. While it’s pretty crazy, I will only be there for as long as I spend travelling to Hawaii […]

The latest on the future of journalism: where value creation means jobs

As part of News Limited’s launch of its digital subscription plans that I wrote about earlier this week, News has just launched the site Future of Journalism, (subtitle: A Discussion Hosted by News Limited). It includes videos, infographics (very clearly taking a cue from social media here!), and articles. The site says “We have gathered […]

Using social media to track and drive organizational success metrics

This week I was MC for the AHRI HR Technology conference, and ran one of the workshops on the following day, on Creating Results Using Social Media. A real highlight of the conference was the Social Media: Risks and Rewards panel, which I chaired, with the participation of a fantastic cast of Peter Williams of […]

Workshop content: Creating results using social media – the HR perspective

Tomorrow is the Australian Human Resources Institute HR Technology conference. I will be MC for the conference day, and will also run a half-day workshop on Creating Results Using Social Media on the following day. I thought I would share the visual content we will be using during the workshop. As usual, the slides are […]

How is the culture of luxury changing?

Luxury is “the opposite of vulgarity” said Coco Chanel. It is also in many ways the opposite of poverty. As people in developed countries – and increasing number in developing countries – grow more affluent, luxury defines what their wealth can be spent on once theirbasic needs are assuaged. In a positive sense, this is […]

[VIDEO] In 1987 Apple predicted it would launch Siri in 2011

This is very, very good. This video created by Apple in 1987 shows how a ‘Knowledge Navigator’ would work, depicting a university professor interacting with a tablet computer through voice. The system’s animated avatar summarizes emails, responds to voice commands, extracts and displays data, provides intelligent information retrieval, and provides message filtering. This video was […]