We have a choice whether to be optimistic or pessimistic about the future
Below is a brief interview I did when I spoke at TheNextWeb conference in Amsterdam recently. Some of the points I cover:
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Ross Dawson contributed a whooping 2077 entries.
Below is a brief interview I did when I spoke at TheNextWeb conference in Amsterdam recently. Some of the points I cover:
Last week I had an early evening meeting set up with Indy Johar, the inspiring co-founder of Hub Westminster. When I arrived I found that Indy had invoked an ‘Open Meeting Protocol’, offering £10 to Matt Sevenoaks of KPMG to join the meeting, who in turn invited Shelley Kuipers, the CEO of Chaordix, who as […]
[This post first appeared on the Getting Results From Crowds book website] Over the last two weeks I have delivered 8 keynotes or workshops on crowdsourcing across Western Europe. Most of them have been highly interactive sessions, bringing out new ideas or highlighting common issues or concerns. Part of the intent has been to gather […]
TheNextWeb produced a good quality video of my keynote at TheNextWeb Conference 2012, shown below. It doesn’t show all of my full motion graphics presentation, though it frequently cuts to show segments of the visuals through my keynote. I will create and share a full video of my motion graphics presentation along with the audio […]
Internet dystopian Andrew Keen, author most recently of Digital Vertigo, has just spoken at TheNextWeb Summit and Conference. He and his arguments are intensely annoying because his case is blindly and obtusely one-sided, though it is useful to have his voice to provide a counterpoint to digital utopianism. Part of his argument is that we […]
I am giving keynotes this Wednesday at TheNextWeb CxO Summit and on Friday at TheNextWeb Conference. My topic will be the Future of Crowds, a big picture view of how crowds will be the future of everything, including its impact on work, organizations, business models, capitalism, reputation, media, marketing, innovation, opportunity, and government. However one […]
On 1 May I am running a half-day Crowdsourcing for Startups and Social Innovation workshop at Hub Westminster. From 1:30pm to 5:00pm we will run a highly interactive session looking at the practical ways in which crowds and crowdsourcing can be used to drive value in crowds and crowdsourcing. We will primarily look at the […]
I am currently in transit in Hong Kong on the way to London for a few days with my and my goddaughter’s family at the beginning of a five-week speaking tour. Below is my itinerary in case you’d like to get along to any of the events. My schedule is jam packed in almost all […]
Je viens de faire une courte vidéo à propos du crowdsourcing. Dans mon livre Getting Results from Crowds, qu’on pourraît traduire par “Obtenir des résultats des masses”, j’explique comment les organisations, petites et grandes, doivent procéder pour bien utiliser le crowdsourcing. À Paris, le 3 mai, je présente avec le Boostzone Institute un petit-déjeuner à […]
On April 28, immediately after my keynote at TheNextWeb conference in Amsterdam, I will travel to Cologne to run a workshop on the Future of Crowdsourcing. Unfortunately I will miss what looks like an excellent Crowdsourcing Summit on April 27 as I will be speaking in Amsterdam that day. I’ve made a short video to […]