Entries by Ross Dawson

Why it matters that networks in organizations and social systems are shifting to power-law distributions

I recently gave a keynote address on Science and Leadership for the Future to a small group of major media and corporate clients of New Scientist magazine. Given the context, I was able to delve a little deeper into the issues than I would for most audiences. The video of my presentation was sliced into […]

Will real-time big data feedback transform sports?

This evening I was at SAP’s Asia-Pacific Japan 25th Anniversary Leadership Summit in Singapore, which brought together a small group of leaders of SAP’s major customers in the region for an exclusive dinner at the Shangri-La hotel. The guest speakers were myself, speaking on How Hyperconnectivity Will Fuel Asia’s Growth, and Stacey Allaster, President of […]

A positive view on the future of human work as intelligent machines rise

I recently delivered a keynote on the Future of Work and Jobs at the Youth in Technology conference organized by the Australian Computer Society. An article in CIO magazine titled Humans versus machines: Who will be employed in future? reviewed some of the highlights of Dawson’s speech. After the article’s opening it quotes:

Study: Decentralized organizations will win, especially in challenging times

For decades management theorists have argued over whether and when organizations should be centralized or decentralized. However the situation is now dramatically different than it was before, as we become richly connected and the world we live in becomes increasingly complex and interdependent. A new paper reviewed by Stanford Graduate School of Business examines the […]

4 important implications of us reaching Crunch Time

A little while ago we released our “Crunch Time” framework, looking at the 14 domains where we are hitting dramatic disruption, including work, money, privacy, government, education, media, climate and more. You can see the full Crunch Time framework on the Future Exploration Network website. We have created a short video to introduce the concept […]

Mobile and design are shifting to the center of technology and work

Today I am giving a keynote at the The Youth Festival of ICT (YITcon14) in Melbourne, with participation from over 1,000 students and young professionals. The Australian newspaper yesterday featured an article titled Mobile exposes need for design skills, programming languages: Ross Dawson based on an interview with myself and Alan Patterson, CEO of the […]