Entries by Ross Dawson

The rise of crowdsourcing in Malaysia

I was recently in Kuala Lumpur to do twin keynotes at the National Crowdsourcing Conference organized by Digital Malaysia, and meet with government officials to discuss how Malaysia can best tap the potential of crowdsourcing. The Star of Malaysia, the largest English-language newspaper in the country, interviewed me while I was there for a feature […]

Can Facebook-informed algorithms know you better than your mother?

This morning I was interviewed on the national breakfast program Sunrise about whether algorithms can assess our personality better than those who are closest to us. Click on the image below to view the segment. The segment described some just-released research titled Computer-based personality judgments are more accurate than those made by humans in the […]

Today show on Back to the Future: celebrating the exceptional ‘future’ that is 2015

This morning I was interviewed on both of Australia’s national breakfast TV programs, Today and Sunrise, to greet 2015. Many of the media outlets interviewing me at this turn-of-the-year have wanted to know how well the film Back to the Future II, which in 1989 depicted the world in 2015, anticipated today’s world. Click on […]

Envisioning the future of government as solution enabler

When you look at the future, there are few more important topics than the future of government. Government was designed to be institutional, providing stability to nations. Yet that design and structure means that governmental institutions are generally very poorly prepared to change as required in the face of extraordinary shifts in society and business. […]

Flying cars are here! Will they become mainstream?

I’m at the Marketing Summit 2014 in Istanbul, where I’m giving the closing keynote later today. It is proving a delightful event, drawing on a framework on GameChangers from conference chairman Peter Fisk to invite inspiring speakers from around the world. Yesterday Stefan Klein of Aeromobil described his journey to create a flying car. The […]

The massive opportunity of open innovation for mid-tier firms

I recently gave the keynote at an American Express function for CFOs of mid-tier firms. I wrote before about the event in a post on the central role of CFOs in innovation and future-proofing in mid-tier firms. The video below nicely summarizes highlights from the event, including some excerpts from my speech from 1:38. One […]