Latest insights into the state of global telecommunications


A delightful report out from International Telecommunication Union (ITU) today, Measuring the Information Society 2014, examines in depth the state of global telecommunications.

Below are a handful of the particularly interesting insights from the report.

Ranking ICT Development
The annual report calculates an “ICT Development Index” for every country on the planet. Hereare the latest rankings, compared to last year:

Source: Measuring the Information Society 2014

Exponential bandwidth
These charts show the exponential rise of Internet bandwidth globally, with strong catch-up from the developing world and Europe accounting for half of global bandwidth.

Telecom revenues
These charts show that despite massively increasing bandwidth, the shift from high-cost traditional telecom offerings to more competitive IP-based communications has resulted in essentially flat revenue for telcos in the developed world. However as far more people become connected in the developing world, domestic telcos are benefiting with solid growth. Of course telecom firms are rapidly diversifying into other revenue streams.

Rise of e-government
The E-government Development Index shows Europe significantly ahead, with the most rapid development in Oceania.

Many more juicy details in the report.