Entries by Ross Dawson

The future of events: technology to make presentations interactive and social

Some events today have innovative formats and strong audience participation. However many conferences still sport essentially the same format as ever, a series of people presenting on a stage in front of a passive audience. It needn’t be this way. Technology eenables us to re-conceive what a presentation is and can be. I approach this […]

Three critical domains of change driving the future of professional services

Yesterday professional services expert George Beaton and I ran the inaugural Clients and Firms of the Future: How to Compete conference in Sydney, bringing together around 100 senior leaders of professional services firms to look at the future of the industry. It is just over 15 years ago now that my first book was released […]

Shazam will recognize objects as well as music: the implications for retail and design

The music recognition service Shazam will branch out into new domains, said CEO Rich Riley at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona today. Reuters reports: The next phase of development will be to enable phone users to Shazam actual objects, said Riley, such as a cereal packet in the grocery store to get more nutritional information […]

How the future of work leads to the future of organisations

Last week I did the keynote on The Future of Work and Organisations at a four-city roadshow for social business consulting firm KINSHIP enterprise, spanning Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and Brisbane. The slides to my presentation are below, together with an overview of the 7 sections of the keynote. The Future of Work from KINSHIP enterprise […]

Video: Why professional services leaders need to think about the future

Leading up to the Client and Firms of the Future: How to Compete conference in Sydney on March 11 (which I discussed in a previous blog post), my co-organiser George Beaton and I have recorded a brief video to set the scene. In the video we begin by addressing the question: Why do professional services […]

APIs are enabling an unprecedented flow of innovation

On Tuesday I had the great pleasure and honor of doing the opening keynote at the APIDays Sydney conference, the first API (Application Programming Interface) conference in Australia, excellently organized by Saul Caganoff of SixTree. APIDays was founded by Mehdi Medjaoui in Paris in 2013, has since been run in Barcelona, Berlin, San Francisco and […]

Creating the future of professional services – Sydney 11 March

The subtitle of my first book, 15 years ago now, was ‘The future of professional services’. I still believe it’s an incredibly important topic, not just in the future of business, but also in the future of work and society. As such I am delighted to be collaborating with one of the world’s leaders in […]