Entries by Ross Dawson

Australian Open Innovation Competition: how about complete corporate transparency?

My good friends and network experts Laurie Lock Lee and Cai Kjaer are the founders of Optimice, which has recently acquired Australian rights to the Enterprise 2.0 ideas management software Spigit. The platform is used to power, among other initiatives, the Cisco i-Prize, which gives prizes of up to $250,000 to external teams for generating […]

Is 3D TV dangerous?

This morning I bumped into neighbor and fellow futurist Mark Pesce at our local cafe. He was on interviewed on the 7pm Project last night about the dangers of 3D TV (see the video here) so we chatted about that. Mark has been involved in 3D for close to two decades, most famously in creating […]

Use your imagination! The potential of Annotated Tweets

Aside from the announcement of Promoted Tweets, Twitter’s advertising platform, the most important thing coming out of Twitter’s Chirp developer’s conference was a hazy pre-announcement of Annotated Tweets. In a nutshell, developer’s will be able to let users to attach up to (probably) 512bytes of structured metadata to a tweet (plans are to increase this […]

The rise of robot journalists

I have an abiding interest in robots and the role they play in our future. I am also a keen observer of where journalism is going. As it happens, the two domains are intersecting. Robotic journalist conducting interview. Pic source: Singularity Hub, Charlie Catlett Singularity Hub reports: Researchers at the Intelligent Systems Informatics Lab (ISI) […]