The Top 100 Web 2.0 Applications list is now officially launched – the full list is below, after appearing this morning in a feature section in BRW magazine on Web 2.0. A few quick comments:
* See the scope and criteria for the list.
* No doubt many will disagree with what has or hasn’t been included in the list. That’s inevitable in drawing boundaries around defining Web 2.0 applications. We have been strict in applying our scope, and many very worthy applications have not been included in the list, not because they’re not excellent, but because they haven’t met our judge’s view of what constitutes a Web 2.0 application.
* A few more applications have come to our attention since the list was finalized. In a very dynamic landscape we cannot hope to cover everything, but we are continuing to build as comprehensive a view of the landscape as possible. Please let us know what we’re missing.
* Despite the caveats above, we’re very happy with the list and what has come out of our efforts in creating it. It provides the broadest coverage of the Australian Web 2.0 landscape available, and we are sure will achieve its intention of supporting and drawing attention to the value created by Australia’s vibrant online entrepreneurial community. I hope and expect that the 2009 list will once again represent a far deeper and richer landscape featuring many global success stories.
1. mig33

Person/Company: Project Goth (Steven Goh/ Mei Lin Ng)
Description: Global mobile and web-based community, including social networking and messaging such as IM, email, text and photo sharing. Founded in 2005 in Perth and now based in the US. Has raised US$23 million, and has over 7 million users across 200 countries.
2. Confluence

Person/Company: Atlassian (Mike Cannon-Brookes/ Scott Farquhar)
Description: Enterprise wiki with 5,000 clients in over 80 countries. Based in Sydney and San Francisco. Atlassian has over $22 million in revenue with no external funding.
3. Red Bubble

Person/Company: Martin Hosking/ Peter Styles/ Paul Vanzella
Description: Art gallery and creative community where artists can upload art and sell it in many formats. Over 100,000 items sold in 71 countries in the first financial year. Has raised $3.7 million in funding.
4. 3eep

Person/Company: Rob Antulov/ Nick Gonios
Description: Social networking platform covering sports from national to school level for sports enthusiasts, players, teams and parents, allowing discussions and photo and video sharing. Has licensed the platform in Australia, Canada and Germany, and is also run as a stand-alone social network.
5. Engagd

Person/Company: Faraday Media (Chris Saad/ Ashley Angell)
Description: Web service application that creates ‘attention profiles’ of users, and enables these to be used in customising services and content for users.
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Official launch of the Top 100 Australian Web 2.0 Applications list
By Ross DawsonThe Top 100 Web 2.0 Applications list is now officially launched – the full list is below, after appearing this morning in a feature section in BRW magazine on Web 2.0. A few quick comments:
* See the scope and criteria for the list.
* No doubt many will disagree with what has or hasn’t been included in the list. That’s inevitable in drawing boundaries around defining Web 2.0 applications. We have been strict in applying our scope, and many very worthy applications have not been included in the list, not because they’re not excellent, but because they haven’t met our judge’s view of what constitutes a Web 2.0 application.
* A few more applications have come to our attention since the list was finalized. In a very dynamic landscape we cannot hope to cover everything, but we are continuing to build as comprehensive a view of the landscape as possible. Please let us know what we’re missing.
* Despite the caveats above, we’re very happy with the list and what has come out of our efforts in creating it. It provides the broadest coverage of the Australian Web 2.0 landscape available, and we are sure will achieve its intention of supporting and drawing attention to the value created by Australia’s vibrant online entrepreneurial community. I hope and expect that the 2009 list will once again represent a far deeper and richer landscape featuring many global success stories.
1. mig33
Person/Company: Project Goth (Steven Goh/ Mei Lin Ng)
Description: Global mobile and web-based community, including social networking and messaging such as IM, email, text and photo sharing. Founded in 2005 in Perth and now based in the US. Has raised US$23 million, and has over 7 million users across 200 countries.
2. Confluence
Person/Company: Atlassian (Mike Cannon-Brookes/ Scott Farquhar)
Description: Enterprise wiki with 5,000 clients in over 80 countries. Based in Sydney and San Francisco. Atlassian has over $22 million in revenue with no external funding.
3. Red Bubble
Person/Company: Martin Hosking/ Peter Styles/ Paul Vanzella
Description: Art gallery and creative community where artists can upload art and sell it in many formats. Over 100,000 items sold in 71 countries in the first financial year. Has raised $3.7 million in funding.
4. 3eep
Person/Company: Rob Antulov/ Nick Gonios
Description: Social networking platform covering sports from national to school level for sports enthusiasts, players, teams and parents, allowing discussions and photo and video sharing. Has licensed the platform in Australia, Canada and Germany, and is also run as a stand-alone social network.
5. Engagd
Person/Company: Faraday Media (Chris Saad/ Ashley Angell)
Description: Web service application that creates ‘attention profiles’ of users, and enables these to be used in customising services and content for users.
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Top 100 Web 2.0 Applications list released tomorrow morning in BRW and online
By Ross Dawson[UPDATE:] Complete list now up.
The Top 100 Australian Web 2.0 Applications will be launched tomorrow morning. I’ve seen the BRW issue, and the 8 page feature titled The New Web Revolution looks great, including a couple of articles by technology editor Foad Fadaghi, and a few breakouts on the value of Web 2.0, challenges for Web 2.0 in Australia, and the venture capital perspective, as well as the list.
The list will also be released on this blog and the Future Exploration Network site first thing tomorrow Australia time.
Do NOT be put off by the cover of the BRW magazine – we were earlier told that the cover would be on the Web 2.0 feature, but a late editorial decision changed this to a headline on agribusiness :-(.
Ad networks for the long tail: Technorati enters the fray
By Ross DawsonOne of the most important developments underlying the transformation of media is the emergence of advertising networks, that sell advertising and place it across a wide variety of online media properties. Back in the Future of Media Report 2006, describing the role of ad aggregation in supporting the growth of the long tail, I wrote:
Getting others to perform the advertising sales function means media becomes completely scalable. Certainly many of the ad networks are targeting major media properties. Sixteen of the 20 online advertising groups with the greatest reach are ad networks, with online four (Yahoo!, Google, AOL, and Microsoft) distinct online properties (more on this in a subsequent post).
In this world, Technorati, still the leading blog search engine, though far more precariously than before, is today launching an ad network, Technorati Media, according to Techcrunch. Techcrunch says:
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Radio National interview: The state of Australia startups and major online media players
By Ross DawsonLast Thursday’s Media Report on ABC Radio National features an extended interview with me on the state of Australian Web 2.0 and major online media (there is both a podcast and transcript available from the link). Some of the points we covered:
Major online media players
* The well-publicized challenges of NineMSN (the Australian 50/50 jiont venture between Microsoft and PBL Media) are partly company-specific, and partly a reflection of the difficulties of the incumbent position.
* Australia’s major media companies have done far better than their international peers in dominating online news (and other aspects of the online space including classifieds). Blogs and micro-publishing are now finally taking off, taking market share from the majors, leading to the major online publishers losing readers in a growing market. The long tail is the natural distribution of readers, and it has always been inevitable that the majors would lose their dominant market share.
* In media conglomerates that are experiencing revenue challenges in traditional channels such as TV, newspapers, and magazines, expectations for growth in the online business are often unrealistic, leading to disappointments when budgets are not met.
* PBL Media, which owns 50% of NineMSN, is 75% owned by private equity company CVC Capital Partners. Private equity companies, for reasons including their debt structure, are often biased to short-term over long-term revenue, relative to their listed company peers. This leads to pressures on management and staff, which can make attracting and retaining staff more difficult when other companies are enjoying participating in a rapidly growing market. The 50/50 ownership structure doesn’t make things easier.
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Registrations open for Future of Media Summit 2008 – Sydney early bird still on
By Ross DawsonThe Future of Media Summit 2008 is now open for registration in both Sydney and Silicon Valley. After the great success of the Future of Media Summit 2006 and Future of Media Summit 2007, the third annual event is quickly rolling up!
See Future of Media Summit 2008 website for full details.
Note that there is an early bird offer for the Sydney Summit until June 16, then full price applies.
There’s too much to cover in one blog post, so I’ll be providing more detail on everything that’s happening in coming days and weeks. However some of the key features of the event include:
* Simultaneous events in Silicon Valley and Sydney merged seamlessly by video, online discussion, and cross-continental panels and conversations
* Highly participatory Conference AND Unconference formats at both Sydney and Silicon Valley events
* Discussions on global media strategies, future of journalism, future of privacy, and the future of TV and video
* Peer video discussions by participants across continents (world-first)
* Prediction markets on the future of the media before and during the Summit to tap collective wisdom of event participants and global media leaders
* Future of Media Summit blog for insights and discussion by all speakers and participants
* Detailed content and analysis, including the Future of Media Report 2008
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Early insights from the Top 100 Australian Web 2.0 Applications list
By Ross Dawson[UPDATE:] The complete Top 100 list is now up.
The compilation of the Top 100 Australian Web 2.0 Applications list has now been completed. It will be made public on 19 June, when it will be the cover story on BRW magazine, accompanied by feature stories on some of the leading applications. It will be released the same morning on the Future Exploration Network website and this blog.
The Top 100 Australian Web 2.0 Applications Launch Event at KPMG will include a panel discussion by Australian online notables, a showcase of five leading Australian Web 2.0 applications (3eep, BookingAngel, Engagd, Plugger, RedBubble) (Note that the showcased applications are NOT the top five on the top 100 list, but have been selected to demonstrate the diversity of successful Australian Web 2.0 ventures; companies that were showcased in last year’s Web 2.0 in Australia event won’t be duplicated in this year’s showcase), a panel of the founders of these applications, and one-hour of semi-structured roundtables for participants to discuss current issues in Web 2.0 in Australia. IBM, Adobe, and Starfish Ventures are sponsors. We are getting close to fully booked, so register soon if you’d like to attend.
No information about who is on the list or rankings will be released until 19 June, so don’t ask! :-) However it’s probably worth clarifying the scope and criteria for the list.
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Jay Cross in Australia on Making Informal Learning Work
By Ross DawsonJay Cross, who has been on the leading edge of learning for well over a decade, will be running one-day workshops on Making Informal Learning Work in Melbourne on 17 June and Sydney on 19 June. Jay has been a leading light of elearning since the outset, was CEO of eLearning Forum for five years, and has more recently been driving the informal learning movement, recently publishing a book titled Informal Learning: Rediscovering the Natural Pathways That Inspire Innovation and Performance, in which he says that ‘Most corporations invest their training budget where it will have the least impact.’ I’m sure these will be great workshops (but don’t overlook our Top 100 Australian Web 2.0 Applications Launch Event on the same day as Jay’s Sydney workshop :-) )
I first met Jay many years ago, probably when we were both speakers at KMWorld, and we’ve kept in touch and regularly bounced ideas around. He is one of a handful of people in the world who are consistently pushing learning into new spaces. I still refer to his ideas on workflow learning, while he is now integrating the lessons of Web 2.0 into how organizations support learning.
Jay and I will catch up for a drink on the evening of 19th – I may post details here for others to join us if they’re interested.
Thomas Stewart leaves Harvard Business Review
By Ross DawsonI just got an email from Tom Stewart saying he is leaving Harvard Business Review – this was announced today with the press release below. He has been editor-in-chief for six years, during which time he maintained a strong consistency in HBR’s established editorial approach, but also injected his own highly innovative perspectives. I find HBR an essential read, not least through the pronounced focus on forward-thinking perspectives. I sincerely hope HBR doesn’t move away from this style with Tom’s departure.
I first met Tom in 1998, when I was organizing an Intellectual Capital seminar in Sydney, primarily intended for the funds management community. Tom had published his landmark book Intellectual Capital in 1997, after writing cover stories for Fortune magazine, where he was a writer for many years, on Brain Power in 1991 and on Intellectual Capital in 1994. At the time, drawing on my background in capital markets, I saw an immense opportunity in applying the nascent ideas of intellectual capital to financial markets and investor relations. (Some of these ideas are described in a 2002 speech I gave at KMWorld titled “A Financial Markets Perspective on Intellectual Capital”). I took Tom to visit many of the top fund management teams in Australia. At the time it was great to see the very positive reaction to his ideas, but the reality is fund managers globally have been rather slow to take up the ideas. The response from the broader investment community is improving, but it’s slow going.
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Trends in the Living Networks ranked #27 business blog in the world by Wikio
By Ross DawsonTwo months ago Wikio launched a ranking mechanism for the top blogs in the world, appearing to use a more sophisticated algorithm than the incumbent leading blog search engine Technorati. In the latest monthly reclassification by Wikio, Trends in the Living Networks has been ranked #27 of all business blogs. In part the high ranking is due to the fact that there are relatively few blogs about business, with technology and politics the dominant subjects. In fact the blog is ranked #761 out of all blogs for this month, still not bad considering I don’t get to post on here nearly as much as I’d like – a few posts weekly recently. However I intend to start posting quite a lot more as our research for this year’s Future of Media Summit gets under way. Thanks for being a reader!
Registrations now open for Top 100 Australian Web 2.0 Applications Launch Event
By Ross Dawson[UPDATE:] The complete Top 100 list is now up.
The Top 100 Australian Web 2.0 Applications list I wrote about earlier is being readied, and the launch event on 19 June is now open for registrations.
A few exciting developments:
* A great cast of panellists to uncover the state of online innnovation in Australia, including John Butterworth, Duncan Riley, Foad Fadaghi, and Malcolm Thornton
* Showcases of five leading Australian Web 2.0 applications
* The Web 2.0 list will be featured on the cover of BRW magazine that morning
* Sponsors including KPMG, Adobe and Starfish Ventures – a Gold sponsor will be announced shortly
* 10% of ticket proceeds to be donated to the Layne Beachley Aim for the Stars Foundation
Click here for full details on Top 100 Australian Web 2.0 Applications – Launch Event.
Note that every event run by Future Exploration Network has been sold out (last year’s Web 2.0 in Australia was fully booked two weeks before the event), so register soon if you’d like to attend!
More details on the event, including the showcased companies, coming soon.
There is still an opportunity for applications to be considered for the list – please get in touch in comments or by email to submit if you think we might not be aware of you.