Entries by Ross Dawson

Six trends for 2011 and beyond on how businesses can tap the power of the web

The very dynamic Adam Franklin and Toby Jenkins of Bluewire Media recently did a video interview of me, asking me about the trends driving how the web will shape business. Here is the video, with a summary of my headline points below. (Also see Bluewire Media’soriginal post of the video , which has my comments […]

We will need better filters as spurious news explodes: the curious case of the king of Saudi Arabia buying Facebook

Earlier today ‘satirical’ website DawnWires published a story titled Saudi King to buy Facebook for $150 billion to end the revolt: Goldman Sachs to advise. The article was published in the LoLNews category, and the bottom of it says “Sunday Humor… (Sunday Humor article at Dawnwires.com are meant to humor our readers. They may or […]

The Future of Customer Relationships: notes on where they are going

I’ve just finished a teleconference on The Future of Customer Relationships (follow the link for an overview), hosted by Focus.com and Brian Vellmure. The panellists were: Ross Dawson Dr. Graham Hill Dr. Michael Wu Denis Pombriant Our discussion will be available shortly as an mp3. For now, here are a few quick notes I took […]

Blogging is fragmenting into multi-platform content creation – long live blogging!

Drawing on a new Pew Internet report on Social Media & Mobile Internet Use Among Teens and Young Adults, The New York Times headline is: Blogs Wane as the Young Drift to Sites Like Twitter. It’s a misleading headline, so let’s unpack it. First, blogs are not waning. All the major blogging platforms are growing. […]

Insights into effective social media policies

Last week I was part of a panel on the SkyBusiness Technology Behind Business program discussing corporate social media policies, comprised of Peter Williams of Deloitte, Adrienne Unkovitch of Workplace Guardian, and myself. Here are some of the key points made during our discussion. * Example of Commonwealth Bank which introduced social media policies that […]

Apple subscriptions vs Google One Pass subscriptions – comparison and analysis for publishers

The lovely pace of change in the media world isn’t slowing down any… One day after Apple launched its long-expected subscription service, Google announced its One Pass content payment system. Here is a quick comparison. – What they are They are both payment and delivery platforms for content sales and subscriptions. – Delivery platforms Apple’s […]

Crowdsourcing attracts the best advertising clients, and it all began with a tweet…

John Winsor, founder of Victors & Spoils, the world’s first crowdsourced agency, gave the opening keynote at our Future of Crowdsourcing Summit in September last November. It was fascinating to hear about how he had brought together an extraordinarily talented distributed team, and convinced major brands such as Harley-Davidson, GAP, Levi’s, and Virgin America to […]

Will tablets take over enterprise work? More than half of large companies say yes

It wasn’t long ago that one of the most solid and unquestioned assumptions of enterprise software was that users sat at a desk in front of a desktop (or sometimes laptop) computer. As such, maintaining a fleet of almost exclusively Windows-based computers was sometimes a larger task than selecting, developing, and running the enterprise software […]