Entries by Ross Dawson

The implications of the new broader, flatter distribution of music taste

The distribution of music taste and consumption has shifted dramatically over the decade years, and will continue to evolve significantly in coming years. Back before a dozen years ago, radio and MTV exposed people to a limited range of music from label playlists, and the cost of records and CDs made it hard to experiment […]

Qantas Business Radio: why crowdsourcing will drive the future of organizations

This month’s Qantas Business Radio has a technology focus, including interviews with Nick Leeder, Managing Director of Google Australia, Simon Hackett, Managing Director of Internode, Peter Williams, CEO of Deloitte Digital, Charis Palmer, Editor of Technology Spectator, Ian Hogg, CEO of FremantleMedia Australia, as well as myself. There are some great insights in the various […]

Research: The acceleration of Australian banks’ use of social media

Financial services is one of the most industries in which the use of social media is the most relevant, not least because customer service is a critical differentiator between highly commoditized offerings. While financial services and banking were traditionally highly relationship-based, the shift to online has significantly eroded those relationships. Social media, used well, provides […]

Applying scenario planning to portfolio and financial risk: 6 steps to better risk management

Back in the late 1990s I did considerable work applying scenario planning to financial risk management, using qualitative approaches to managing risk as a complement to quantitative methodologies such as Value at Risk. However financial institutions were generally very slow to acknowledge the value of anything not fully quantified, so I shifted my attention to […]

Slides for Opening Keynote at Gartner Application Architecture, Development and Integration Summit

Tomorrow morning I am giving the opening keynote, titled The Future of Living Networks and Organizations, at the Gartner Application Architecture, Development and Integration Summit. Here are my slides for the keynote. As always, the slides are intended to accompany my speech, not to stand alone, so are provided for people who are attending the […]