Entries by Ross Dawson

Passion and the future of work

Earlier today I spoke in the keynote session of the Richmond Financial Industry Forum in Interlaken, Switzerland. Three of us – Jean Claude Biver, Chairman of watchmaker Hublot, Zeno Staub, CEO of Bank Vontobel, and myself – gave 10 minute presentations, followed by a panel discussion between us. I spoke on Passion and the Future of […]

Crowdsourcing for social development and economic opportunity: Case study of Malaysia

I am at the Digital Malaysia National Crowdsourcing Conference in Kuala Lumpur, where I gave the keynote this morning on the global crowdsourcing landscape and the opportunities for Malaysia.  It is fantastic to see what Malaysia is doing. Digital Malaysia is the government agency tasked with developing Malaysia as a digital nation towards 2020. One […]

Crowdsourcing and building models for sharing value from intellectual property creation

I’m currently at Crowdsourcing Week where I gave the opening keynote and have been participating in and moderating a number of panel discussions. One of the panels was written up in ZDNet as Crowdsourcing faces ethical, legal risks The article is well worth a read, capturing part of what was a very rich discussion on […]

I’m available in Europe 17-20 June

As a quick shout-out in case anyone is interested, I will be Europe with availability 17-20 June between engagements. I am currently intending to be in London for connections and meetings, but this isn’t yet fixed. Let me know if you’re interested for any keynotes, executive briefings, strategy workshops, mini-workshops on crowdsourcing or the implications […]

The evolution of parallel entrepreneurship exemplifies today’s experimental economy

In today’s world planning is close to obsolete. Companies small and large must experiment to find what works and what doesn’t work. The lean startup movement has provided a clear model of how to iterate through trial, error, and finally success. There have been many discussions around parallel entrepreneurship and whether it diffuses resources and […]

We are on track for 518% global economic growth this half-century

Yesterday I gave an executive briefing to a senior team tasked with generating major new revenue opportunities for their organization. My presentation delved into the drivers of change in economic structure, individual and societal behaviours, the shape of cities, the role of government, and the implications for the elderly of demographic change. However to kick […]

Economic structural change is NOT industry compositional change

I am currently preparing a number of keynotes for senior business audiences over coming weeks. In preliminary conversations with one group I encountered a very common and deeply misleading view of how business is changing today. We engaged in discussions on “economic structural change”, that were in fact only about changes in industry composition. The […]

Can cyber-crime result in global financial systemic risk?

On Saturday I was interviewed on SBS World News about the ATM heist that netted $45 million from 40,000 withdrawals over 26 countries. The video of the TV news segment (start at 09:05) is available online until 19 May. It was an extremely sophisticated attack, involving not just hacking credit card payment processors and banks, […]