Entries by Ross Dawson

The case for the death of cash by the hand of digital currencies

This morning I gave the opening keynote at the ATM and Branch Automation Seminar run by Payments Consulting Network. In my keynote I spoke about the broader trends in technology, society, and business, and then looked at some of the uncertainties impacting ATMs and branches. Clearly one of the most important is the future of […]

Why your networks and collaboration are at the heart of the value you create

I was recently interviewed for an extended article Networked Business: The wealth in your connections written by Nick Saalfeld for the Microsoft Talking Business series. Here are some excerpts from the article, which provide a neat summary of some of my thinking on the space. It’s a fallacy to think of networking as a sales […]

“Shoezam” app mimics Shazam to image, identify, and replicate shoes on the street

This morning I attended the Innovation Bay breakfast on Where to for retail now?. It was a fascinating discussion, which was definitely useful as I develop my forthcoming Future of Retail framework. (Still working on it, I don’t know when it will be ready for the public, more later.) Michael Fox, founder of the highly […]

The (in)accuracy of long-tail Wikipedia articles – can you help improve mine?

The quality of Wikipedia has been well established. A well-known study was carried out in 2005 by scientific journal Nature showing that the accuracy of Wikipedia articles on science was comparable to that of Encyclopedia Brittanica. A more recent study by Epic and University of Oxford again showed comparable quality of articles across many domains […]

Keys to innovation: Tapping communities of lead users

Today I was interviewed on ABC Radio National’s ByDesign program on how our expectations of beauty are increasing. You can listen to the interview here. At one point the conversation shifted to how companies could generate the innovation that will meet the soaring expectations of users. Notably through the work of MIT’s Eric von Hippel, […]

GitHub launches service for open government

Future of government seems to be the topic of the moment. After my post yesterday on Citizen sourcing and the future of cities and last week on Four fundamental principles for crowdsourcing in government, I have to report about GitHub launching government.github.com. As it happens, in my recent keynote on A Future of Crowds: Implications […]

Meeting of the Minds: Key future trends with Ross Dawson and Gerd Leonhard

When I was in Switzerland recently, esteemed colleague Gerd Leonhard and I recorded a number of video conversations, produced by Jonathan Marks. Following ones on Big Data, the future of privacy, and the future of Switzerland, here is our conversation on Key future trends. For more conversations about the future see Meeting of the Minds. […]

Citizen sourcing and the future of cities

As I noted last week in my post on Four fundamental principles for crowdsourcing in government, one of the most powerful applications of crowdsourcing is in government. PSFK has just launched a nice report and summary presentation on the future of cities, embedded below. The Future Of Cities from PSFK The third section of the […]