Entries by Ross Dawson

What are the business models for influence and reputation – today and in the future?

One of the most exciting topics of Future of Influence Summit next week is exploring the business models for influence and reputation. This is an issue which is better addressed in San Francisco/ Silicon Valley than anywhere else, and we have an extraordinary panel lined up to address the topic of Business Models for Influence […]

Brian Solis at Future of Influence Summit: Putting the Public Back in Public Relations!

When we started organizing Future of Influence Summit, our minds turned immediately to Brian Solis, who is himself one of the most central influencers and thought leaders in this rapidly emerging space. So it’s awesome that Brian is speaking at the Summit, providing his insights on Influence at the Center of Marketing and Advertising. Brian’s […]

You (or your favorite charity) can make money from your tweets! Participate in an experiment on making money from influence

You (or your favorite charity) can benefit from your influence! To find out how, read on… One of the key themes of Future of Influence Summit, on next week in San Francisco and Sydney, is ‘business models for influence and reputation’. There are many angles to this particular topic, including: * Will it be possible […]