Entries by Ross Dawson

Choosing our lives from infinite possibility

In Jose Luis Borges’ exquisite story The Garden of Forking Paths he beautifully evokes the many different paths that our lives could take. Every day we make choices small and large that lead our lives down a particular path, collapsing the infinite possible directions into the one reality we actually live.

How virtual audiences for sports, music, and conferences create a positive feedback loop of engagement

Since the advent of coronavirus here has been a lot of work put into building virtual events. However we are now realizing that having virtual audiences is an essential part of creating great events, energizing sportspeople, speakers, and performers and creating a positive feedback loop that is at the heart of a great in-person event. […]

Human-technology interfaces will drive our future: here are four innovative new wearables from Google Research

One of my oldest and most central themes in my work as a futurist is interfaces. How humans can and will interact with technology will shape not just our future, but indeed who are. We have only relatively recently begun to move beyond keyboard, mouse and screen interfaces to voice and a handful of early-adopter […]

Going beyond Zoom hell to avatar-based meetings in virtual spaces

Since March many people feel they have been caught in a ‘Zoom hell‘ of back-to-back video calls throughout their waking hours. While this would have seemed futuristic a few decades ago, it already feels deeply tired. We have all experienced the problems with engagement, attention, and effective collaboration on video-conferencing calls. One of the most […]