Entries by Ross Dawson

How much do people want to know their conversations are being monitored?

Here’s an interesting promotional video from Gatorade, which extols their ability to monitor social conversations, apparently using Radian6 and IBM technologies. There are a number of basic messages in here, most obviously that anything you say about Gatorade will be heard and acted on, though also that your response to their promotions and campaigns will […]

Leaders in social networks usage: Australia by time, Brazil by reach

In January I looked at the just-released Nielsen data on global social media usage, and wrote Australians are #1 globally in usage of social media: Why?. New data from Nielsen shows an updated picture from April 2010, including the proportion of people online in each country who are using social networks. Click on image for […]

Keynote at Gartner: Driving Business Results Through Personal Networks

A little while ago I gave a keynote at the Gartner Symposium. Gartner looks to its analysts to share their deep research at their events. It also invites a handful of external speakers to bring a lighter and more entertaining – though still pragmatic – approach and style. I suggested the topic of Driving Business […]

Five keys to helping executive teams think about the future

My single biggest client-facing activity this year has been speaking to executive teams about the future of business. These presentations are usually scheduled during strategy offsites or retreats, though sometimes are embedded into leadership development programs or a scheduled presentation within an ongoing transformation program. Sometimes I run a full-day workshop, more often I have […]

Keynote at Critical Horizons regional futures conference: the potential of a connected world

Today I spoke at the Critical Horizons Regional Futures conference held in Bunbury, Western Australia,which “examines emerging global trends and how they might affect regional communities in the South West Region of Western Australia”. It is fantastic that a non-urban region runs a regular event to examine its future. It is clear that the attendees […]

Keynote at Cisco Insight 2010: Innovation beyond boundaries and the role of knowledge-based relationships

Earlier this week I gave a keynote speech to Cisco Insight 2010, the conference for its top-tier partners, with the title Innovation Beyond Boundaries. I’ve always thought it anomalous that I had never done any work for Cisco, given its messages such as the Human Network are so aligned with mine, so I’m glad that […]