Entries by Ross Dawson

Asia is now the #1 and fastest growing region for Twitter; US down to just 25% of total tweets

Micro-messaging processing company Semiocast has just released research showing that Asia has overtaken North America as the biggest user of Twitter, with 37% of total tweets. Source: Semiocast In June 2009 the US still accounted for 55% of tweets, in February 2010 statistics showed that half of tweets were in languages other than English, and […]

Six platforms to get results from crowdsourcing

MyCustomer.com has just published a nice article based on an interview with me, titled Ross Dawson: Six tools to kickstart your crowdsourcing strategy. After beginning with some background on the topicality of crowdsourcing, the article goes on: But suddenly crowdsourcing seems to be reaching some kind of critical mass. From reports that Microsoft crowdsourced the […]

The Social Internet: findings on how countries and regions engage differently with the web

One of the topics that interests me the most is the variety with how different countries and cultures engage with social media, so I was very please to see in the current issue of Harvard Business Review a great spread on Mapping the Social Internet. Click on the image below to see the central visualization […]

Inmagic interview on Enterprise 2.0 and chance to win an Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report

‘Social Knowledge Network’ vendor Inmagic recently spoke to me for their interview series. Unfortunately there were problems with the audio recording, so they’ve provided a transcript of the interview on issues including uptake of Enterprise 2.0, the Enterprise 2.0 vendor landscape, the future of work, and what I enjoy about my own work. The full […]

Population growth, urbanization, and the future of regional centers

On the weekend Australia’s freshly minted Prime Minister Julia Gillard said “I don’t believe in a big Australia,” in an about face from her predecessor Kevin Rudd’s vision of strong population growth for the country. As a futurist I have been increasingly drawn into this discussion, given that immigration is one of the most fundamental […]

Corporate Twittering increases consumer trust, but many don’t want companies to listen to them

A few days ago I asked the question How much do people want to know their conversations are being monitored?, given how brands such as Gatorade boast about how well they listen to online conversations. As it happens, someone has an answer. Fleishman-Hillard has just released their Digital Influence Index report for 2010, with a […]