Prometeus: In the media revolution, experience is the new reality


David Casaleggio, a media and network consultant based in Milan, let me know about an extremely interesting short video he’s created on the future of media. He has created versions in English, as below, and also subtitled in Japanese and Spanish (recognizing the global nature of media markets).

A few highlights in the second half of the clip:

In 2020 Lawrence Lessig becomes the US Secretary of Justice and declares copyright illegal.

Devices that replicate the senses are available, and reality is replicated in Second Life. Everyone has an Agav (Agent Avatar) that finds information, people and places in virtual worlds.

In 2022 Google launches Prometeus, the Agav standard interface.

In 2027 SecondLife becomes Spirit, where people share their experiences and feelings. Memory selling becomes normal trading.

In 2050 virtual life is the biggest market on the planet and Prometeus finances space missions to find new markets.

In conclusion: “Experience is the new reality”.

A nice thought-starter on where we might be heading…

The Singularity and being a geek


Hmmm…. Not sure whether to take this as a compliment.

Cameron Reilly of The Podcast Network and I caught up last week after we both spoke at the Evolve conference. Cameron wrote on his blog :

“Caught a taxi to the airport with Ross Dawson and we had a great chat about the Singularity. Ross looks like an accountant but he’s really a major geek.”

For those who are not geeks, the Singularity is the point at which the acceleration of technology goes beyond human comprehension. Whether and how soon it comes is a fascinating conversation for transhumanists

Video interview of Adrian McDermott, BEA Systems


This one minute interview of Adrian McDermott, Vice President of Engineering at BEA, was made in conjunction with the Web 2.0 in Australia event. The video was produced by One Minute World, which specializes in one minute video content for streaming and mobile devices.

Adrian discusses BEA’s initiatives in applying Web 2.0 in the enterprise. These are also covered at BEA’s new site.

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Complete video of Web 2.0 in Australia event


The recent Web 2.0 in Australia event was a fabulous success. However because it was an invitation only event with space for just 100 people, many who wanted to were unable to attend. Fortunately, the fine folk at Viocorp, one of Australia’s leading Internet broadcasting companies, very generously made a video of all key proceedings at Web 2.0 in Australia, including the panels and showcase presentations, so these are available to all!


Click here for video of Web 2.0 in Australia, hosted by Viocorp.

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Video interview of Ross Dawson, Future Exploration Network


This one minute interview of Ross Dawson, Chairman of Future Exploration Network, was made in conjunction with the Web 2.0 in Australia event. The video was produced by One Minute World, which specializes in one minute video content for streaming and mobile devices.

Ross talks about the seven fundamental characteristics of Web 2.0 described in his recently released Web 2.0 Framework

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Video interview of Richard MacManus, Read/Write Web


This one minute interview of Richard MacManus, Editor and Publisher of Read/Write Web, was made in conjunction with the Web 2.0 in Australia event. The video was produced by One Minute World, which specializes in one minute video content for streaming and mobile devices.

Richard talks about his new blogs Alt Search Engines and, and the state of Web 2.0 in Australia.

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Video interview of Mick Liubinskas, Tangler


This one minute interview of Mick Liubinskas, Chief Customer Officer of Tangler, was made in conjunction with the Web 2.0 in Australia event, where Tangler was showcased as one of the leading examples of Web 2.0 in Australia. The video was produced by One Minute World, which specializes in one minute video content for streaming and mobile devices.

Mick talks about Tangler and its future.

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Video interview of Richard Giles, Scouta


This one minute interview of Richard Giles of Scouta was made in conjunction with the Web 2.0 in Australia event, where Scouta was showcased as one of the leading examples of Web 2.0 in Australia. The video was produced by One Minute World, which specializes in one minute video content for streaming and mobile devices.

Richard talks about Scouta and the need to cope with a world of unlimited content.

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Video interview of Phil Morle, Omnidrive


This one minute interview of Phil Morle of Omnidrive was made in conjunction with the Web 2.0 in Australia event, where Omndrive was showcased as one of the leading examples of Web 2.0 in Australia. The video was produced by One Minute World, which specializes in one minute video content for streaming and mobile devices.

Phil talks about Omnidrive and its role in the Web 2.0 space.

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Video interview of Peter Russell, KPMG


This one minute interview of Peter Russell of KPMG was made in conjunction with the Web 2.0 in Australia event. The video was produced by One Minute World, which specializes in one minute video content for streaming and mobile devices.

Peter talks about the benefits and applications of Web 2.0 for corporates.

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