Visualization: Social bookmarking in the enterprise


In our Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report, we created visual representations to help explain how the most important social media tools can be applied inside organizations.

The diagram below was used in the chapter on social bookmarking, which was designed to accompany the detailed coverage in the report, but it is hopefully fairly self-explanatory!

Go to the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 downloads page for several free chapters, including the chapter on social networking on the enterprise, with its own diagram on how social networks relate to other Enterprise 2.0 tools.

Please let me know your thoughts and feedback on improving these diagrams for future versions of the report. I’ll post more of these visualizations on this blog in coming weeks.


Pilots as a key instrument for improving organizational performance in a complex world


I caught up this afternoon with Chris Bayley of Buffalo Canyon Consulting and we had a very interesting conversation about Web 2.0 in organizations. Chris asked me about the role of pilots, and in our ensuing discussion I refined my thinking on this a bit.

Examining how to run pilots plays a significant role in our Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report, with a full chapter on pilots and many aspects of our coverage of user adoption related to pilots. The center of our Enterprise 2.0 Implementation Framework is ‘Iterate and Refine’. Pilots and agile methodologies are critical to the ability of organizations to do that. Some companies are good at piloting, but many need to shift their attitudes and approaches to enable effectively establishing, managing, supporting, and closing down pilot projects.

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Implementing Enterprise 2.0: Free Chapter 4 – Key benefits and risks


Continuing our series of free chapters from Implementing Enterprise 2.0, here is Chapter 4 on Key Benefits and Risks. For full details on the report and all the sample chapters go to the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 website.


As shown in the Enterprise 2.0 Implementation Framework above, understanding the potential benefits and risks from Enterprise 2.0 that are relevant to the organization is critical to being able to engage in the cycle of value creation. These benefits and risks vary substantially across companies. Initiatives must be designed to draw out the greatest potential benefits, and fully address potentially risks and concerns. Chapter 7 on Governance, also available as a free download, examines how the understanding of the risks and benefits are applied in creating an enabling framework for the organization.

The Key Risks and Benefits chapter contains:

* Assessing the relevance of risks and benefits to your organization

* Table of key potential benefits of implementing Enterprise 2.0

* Table of key risks and concerns in implementing Enterprise 2.0

* Risks of NOT implementing Enterprise 2.0

You can also just download the pdf of Chapter 4.

Implementing Enteprise 2.0: Chapter 4 – Key Benefits and Risks

It is totally INSANE that you cannot use an external keyboard on an iPhone


I love my iPhone. But it has some deep flaws. OK, so cut-and-paste will be available with the 3.0 operating system – that’s good. The lack of a video camera is annoying and strange – rumors are that the next iPhone released in the northern summer will have video capabilities.

But the thing that really gets me is that you cannot use an external keyboard on the iPhone. Unlike the other issues, there is no way you can argue this is a technical problem. Apple has deliberately crippled the Bluetooth functionality so external keyboards can’t be used.

The whole point of a smartphone is that it can be your central hub when you’re on the move, increasingly obviating the need to carry a laptop around. If the iPhone had an external keyboard, I could use it for a large proportion of my needs when I’m on the move or travelling, including email, working on documents, blogging and more. For now I have a choice of carrying a laptop, or taking a Palm and external keyboard with me in addition to the iPhone, just so I can write.

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Embracing the Future: keynote speaker at Direct Selling Assocation


Tomorrow I am giving the opening keynote at the Direct Selling Association of Australia Conference 09 which is on the theme of ‘Defining our Future’.

The slides for my presentation are below. As always, these are intended to accompany my keynote, not as stand-alone slides.

The presentation includes a diverse range of examples of markets that are currently growing:


Home renovation tools

Home gardening




Quality jewellery (in the case of my wife’s business

Brain fitness

Clean energy


Aged care

Mobile applications

Events (done well, in the right sectors)

I’ll write more soon about the array of growth markets that offer great opportunities at the moment.

Des Walsh video interviews at Enterprise 2.0: Chris Lampard, Jenny Williams, Peter Williams


Social media commentator extraordinaire Des Walsh attended Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum, and did a number of short video interviews with speakers at the event.

The first three interviews including both the blog posts and the videos are below.

Chris Lampard, Corporate Express

Des Walsh blog post on Chris Lampard interview

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Implementing Enterprise 2.0: Chapter 2 on Web 2.0 and the Enterprise


In the wake of our recent launch of the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report, we are providing a number of free sample chapters. For full details and all the sample chapters go to the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 website.

Chapter 2 on Web 2.0 and the Enterprise uses our extremely popular Web 2.0 Framework as a foundation.

New content includes:

* Table covering Web 2.0 tools with examples of both open web and enterprise use

* Key issues in adapting Web 2.0 tools to enterprise use.

We are keen for input into the next versions of the report, so let me know your suggestions!

Implementing Enterprise 2.0 – Chapter 2 Implementing Enterprise 2.0 – Chapter 2 Ross Dawson

Changing gears – onto the future of influence and new ventures!


My readers will have seen a massive focus on Enterprise 2.0 in this blog for the last few months, as I have been preparing, promoting and running the Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum in Sydney and Enterprise 2.0 Executive Briefing in Melbourne, and writing and publishing Implementing Enterprise 2.0, which is rapidly becoming the reference in the field. Moving forward I will continue to be deeply involved in Enterprise 2.0 through my client work, and will also be releasing a lot more content from the report.

However I am now in the process of shifting gears. Last year I realized that a large proportion of my interests could be encapsulated in two key themes:

The future of the enterprise

The future of influence

The first examines how organizations will evolve and what they must do to be successful in an intensely complex and competitive world. The second looks at how messages disseminate when traditional media is being trumped by social media. Together they bring together the inside and the outside, the twin domains in which open communication is transforming business and society.

Having focused deeply for a while on the future of the enterprise, for the next period my attention will shift significantly to the future of influence.

I have studied and worked on influence networks for much of the last decade. Among other activities, I wrote about influence networks in Chapter 6 of Living Networks and published what was then the first detailed study of influence networks in B2B marketing: How Technology Purchasing Decisions are Really Made. However so far I haven’t written up most of my ongoing research and work in the space.

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Launch of Implementing Enterprise 2.0 Framework


A centrepiece of our recently launched Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report is an Implementing Enterprise 2.0 Framework. Click on the image below to download the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 Framework pdf, which includes references to the relevant chapters for each of the action steps. Some of the chapters referred to are available for download from the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 downloads page.


The central aspect of the framework is that it is iterative. Where you begin on the cycle depends on your organization. Some will begin in the upper left domain of Understanding Drivers, by understanding the drivers. Others will start in the lower right domain of Supporting Initiatives by identifying and supporting existing initiatives that people have begun of their own initiative.

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Launch of Implementing Enterprise 2.0: using software versioning for books


We have just launched our Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report, encapsulating in a neat package (almost) all you need to know to create massive value with Enterprise 2.0 technologies and approaches in your organization.


Our website includes a number of free chapters and resources, which I’ll feature in more detail here later, as well as ordering information.

One of the key aspects of the report is that it is versioned. Version 1.1, available on, includes just a few small fixes from the 1.0 version that we produced for a limited audience. Now we can get down to the more significant modifications that will eventually see this as a highly refined and revised version 2.0, 3.0 and beyond.

That evolution will be largely based on feedback from readers. We will soon introduce a feedback forum on the report website to gather suggestions and input, though we’re always keen to get ideas in any format.

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