ExaTrend of the 2010s: Demographic Crunch


Excerpt from the list of ExaTrends of the 2010s:


Many developed nations will start hitting the wall in their ability to support their elderly. The contrast with the rapid growth of developing nations will bring into focus the turn in economic fortunes. The inevitable result is mass migration, licit or illicit.

See the full 3 page framework including the Map of the Decade, full descriptions of the ExaTrends of the Decade, and the 11 themes of the Zeitgeist of 2011 by clicking on the image:

ExaTrends of the Decade and Zeitgeist for 2011:

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Our 6 favorite infographics of 2010


I’ll try to fit in a few summary posts from the year before I head off for holidays. To kick off here are our favorite infographics that we’ve launched this year, in chronological order. Click on the images for the original posts. Quite a few of these got a lot of attention!

Crowdsourcing Landscape

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ExaTrend of the 2010s: Culture Jamming


Excerpt from the list of ExaTrends of the 2010s:


Remix culture will surge, with everybody taking and jamming up slices of everything and anything to express themselves, while intellectual property law fails to keep pace. Every culture on the planet will reach everywhere – the only culture we will know is a global mashed-up emergent culture that changes by the minute.

See the full 3 page framework including the Map of the Decade, full descriptions of the ExaTrends of the Decade, and the 11 themes of the Zeitgeist of 2011 by clicking on the image:

ExaTrends of the Decade and Zeitgeist for 2011:

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Delicious will be shut down. What to do and 6 major alternatives for social bookmarking.


TechCrunch has reported (and close-as-dammit confirmed) that Yahoo! will close down Delicious. If so, it’s close to a tragedy.

Social bookmarks have been one of the defining aspects of Web 2.0. As described in our Web 2.0 Framework, sharing in very simple ways can create value for many. It is a simple step to take the bookmarks you are doing anyway, and make them visible along with your tags to describe them. That simple step “transforms mass participation into valuable emergent outcomes” for all, part of the shift to collective intelligence.

Many have called for Yahoo! to make Delicious open source or otherwise try to keep it alive rather than close it down. I would be one of many very unhappy with Yahoo! if they don’t at least make an effort to do that. But I’m not holding my breath.

So… if Delicious disappears what will Delicious users (of which I am one) do?

Get your bookmarks out: Export your bookmarks immediately, and keep doing so regularly if you continue to use it.

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ExaTrend of the 2010s: Collective Intelligence


Excerpt from the list of ExaTrends of the 2010s:


In a world of infinite information and diversity of opinion we will not drown, but harness our dormant potential to be more together than we are individually. Crowdsourcing platforms and aggregators of insight will be part of the planks that create the reality of a global brain, expressing our destiny.

See the full 3 page framework including the Map of the Decade, full descriptions of the ExaTrends of the Decade, and the 11 themes of the Zeitgeist of 2011 by clicking on the image:

ExaTrends of the Decade and Zeitgeist for 2011:

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ExaTrend of the 2010s: Climate Clashes


Excerpt from the list of ExaTrends of the 2010s:


The divide between believers and dis-believers in climate change and the necessity for action is increasing. Beyond that, views on the potential of planetary engineering will cut to the heart of the divide on faith in or fear of technology, Whatever the meteorological data that emerges, it will tear us apart.

See the full 3 page framework including the Map of the Decade, full descriptions of the ExaTrends of the Decade, and the 11 themes of the Zeitgeist of 2011 by clicking on the image:

ExaTrends of the Decade and Zeitgeist for 2011:

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5 central facets of media and PR in China


Last month I gave the keynote at Ketchum’s Global Media Network meeting in New York on The Future of Global Media. Immediately after my keynote I participated in a panel on media in the BRIC countries. The other panellists were Ketchum executives from Brazil, Russia, and India. Since their China team were kept at home with client commitments I stood in to talk about China, given my background in the region. Details on the keynote and panel are here.

Here are notes I made to prepare for the panel session, where we were asked to share 5 key issues about the media landscape in our country.

0. Asia and China encompass very diverse media markets.

Across Asia media markets take very different shapes. The largest market by revenue is Japan, which is very different from Western developed economies, notably in the size and resilience of the newspaper market, and the depth of penetration of mobile internet. Hong Kong and Taiwan have very distinct markets from mainland China, both being more similar structurally and in terms of media relations to Western countries. The massive mainland China market itself has significantly different characteristics at the national, metropolitan, regional and local levels.

The following points relate to the mainland China (P.R.C.) media market.

1. Newspaper and broadcast markets are growing rapidly.

As many more people shift to higher socio-economic brackets and literacy increases, newspaper readership and broadcast TV audiences are rapidly developing. China is already the largest newspaper market in the world, and TV and radio advertising revenue is growing at a double-digit pace. There is still substantial scope for sustained growth in these traditional media markets.

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ExaTrend of the 2010s: Bio Destiny


Excerpt from the list of ExaTrends of the 2010s:


Now that biological and genomic technologies are largely driven by information technologies, they are on the same exponential trajectory. Medicines personalized to the individual, genetic modification of our children, drugs to increase intelligence, and life extension will all become commonplace.

See the full 3 page framework including the Map of the Decade, full descriptions of the ExaTrends of the Decade, and the 11 themes of the Zeitgeist of 2011 by clicking on the image:

ExaTrends of the Decade and Zeitgeist for 2011:

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12th Annual Self-Employed and Entrepreneurs Xmas Drinks – Sydney – Drinks sponsors welcome!


This is the now the 12th year that I and some of my friends are running the Self-Employed and Entrepreneurs Xmas Drinks in Sydney. It began when I and many of my friends didn’t have the glamorous and social (i.e. more than one person!) Christmas parties of the employed, so decided to celebrate together.

So, if you are self-employed, an entrepreneur, or work for a micro-business or start-up we’d be delighted if you joined us. Those who are employed but have friends who are self-employed are also very welcome – this is all about having a fun time!

Date: Tuesday, 21 December, 2010

Location: Front bar, Centennial Hotel, 88 Oxford Street, Woollahra, Sydney

Time: 6pm – 9pm

There is a Facebook page for the event if you’d like to check it out or say you’re coming.

Drinks and nice pizzas are available for purchase at the bar.

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ExaTrend of the 2010s: Augmented Humans


Excerpt from the list of ExaTrends of the 2010s:


More than ever before, we can transcend our human abilities. Traditional memory aids are supplemented by augmented reality glasses or contact lenses, thought interfaces allow us to control machines, exoskeletons give us superhuman power. Machines will not take over humanity… because they will be us.

See the full 3 page framework including the Map of the Decade, full descriptions of the ExaTrends of the Decade, and the 11 themes of the Zeitgeist of 2011 by clicking on the image:

ExaTrends of the Decade and Zeitgeist for 2011:

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