Blogging is fragmenting into multi-platform content creation – long live blogging!


Drawing on a new Pew Internet report on Social Media & Mobile Internet Use Among Teens and Young Adults, The New York Times headline is: Blogs Wane as the Young Drift to Sites Like Twitter.

It’s a misleading headline, so let’s unpack it.

First, blogs are not waning. All the major blogging platforms are growing. As noted in the article, Blogger’s visitors were up 9% last year, while WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg on his blog notes that WordPress is up 80 million views in the same period.

Second, while it is true that younger adults are moving away from blogging in its traditional sense, older adults are blogging more than they used to.

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Insights into effective social media policies


Last week I was part of a panel on the SkyBusiness Technology Behind Business program discussing corporate social media policies, comprised of Peter Williams of Deloitte, Adrienne Unkovitch of Workplace Guardian, and myself.

Here are some of the key points made during our discussion.

* Example of Commonwealth Bank which introduced social media policies that impinged on staff’s personal rights, and quickly reversed them based on the response.
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Apple subscriptions vs Google One Pass subscriptions – comparison and analysis for publishers


The lovely pace of change in the media world isn’t slowing down any…

One day after Apple launched its long-expected subscription service, Google announced its One Pass content payment system. Here is a quick comparison.

– What they are
They are both payment and delivery platforms for content sales and subscriptions.

– Delivery platforms
Apple’s platform is for content delivered to apps that are sold in the Apple iTunes store, so only to iPad, iPhone and iTouch products.
Google OnePass works on any web or mobile platform (not just Android) as long as it is permitted in the terms (i.e. it cannot be used on Apple devices)

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Crowdsourcing attracts the best advertising clients, and it all began with a tweet…


John Winsor, founder of Victors & Spoils, the world’s first crowdsourced agency, gave the opening keynote at our Future of Crowdsourcing Summit in September last November.

It was fascinating to hear about how he had brought together an extraordinarily talented distributed team, and convinced major brands such as Harley-Davidson, GAP, Levi’s, and Virgin America to use a crowdsourcing approach.

Harley-Davidson moved on from its long-standing agency Carmichael Lynch last year, shifting to Victors & Spoils for its creative work. The first work from the agency for Harley-Davidson, based on an idea from “passionate amateur” Whit Hiler, has just been launched:

AdAge interviewed Harley’s Chief Marketing Officer Mark-Hans Richer, who said about the ad:
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Will tablets take over enterprise work? More than half of large companies say yes


It wasn’t long ago that one of the most solid and unquestioned assumptions of enterprise software was that users sat at a desk in front of a desktop (or sometimes laptop) computer. As such, maintaining a fleet of almost exclusively Windows-based computers was sometimes a larger task than selecting, developing, and running the enterprise software on which work was performed.

The rise of tablet computing, still less than a year now from when the iPad first become available, may significantly change that scenario. Morgan Stanley has just released the results of a survey showing that 51% of CIOs of large organizations expect to be buying tablets for their staff within a year, with another 16% expecting to support staff using their own tablets on the company’s network.

Source: Digital Daily, Morgan Stanley
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Living Networks – Chapter 10: Liberating Individuals – Network Strategy for Free Agents


Download Chapter 10 of Living Networks on Liberating Individuals

Every chapter of Living Networks is being released on this blog as a free download, together with commentary and updated perspectives since its original publication in 2002.

For the full Table of Contents and free chapter downloads see the Living Networks website or the Book Launch/ Preface to the Anniversary Edition.

Living Networks – Chapter 10: Liberating Individuals

Network Strategy for Free Agents

OVERVIEW:As the rise of the connected economy blurs organizational boundaries, the individual is increasingly becoming the center of value creation. Workers—whether they are employed or free agents—must develop and implement effective career strategies. They need to position themselves effectively in the evolving networks, and ensure they extract value from the intellectual property they create.

Chapter 10 of Living Networks – Commentary and updated perspectives

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ExaTrend of the 2010s: Haves and Have Nots


Excerpt from the list of ExaTrends of the 2010s:


Across communities, nations, and the world, there is a keen risk of increasing separation between those who have access to technology, tools, and basic needs, and those who do not. This is not inevitable. However it will require concerted action around the world to avoid an increasing schism between us.

See the full 3 page framework including the Map of the Decade, full descriptions of the ExaTrends of the Decade, and the 11 themes of the Zeitgeist of 2011 by clicking on the image:

ExaTrends of the Decade and Zeitgeist for 2011:

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Breaking through BRIC: How to work with media in Brazil, Russia, India, China


A couple of months ago I contributed to Ketchum’s Global Media Network meeting in New York, giving the opening keynote on the Future of Global Media, and participating in the follow-up panel on how to work with media in Brazil, Russia, India, and China, titled “Breaking Through BRIC: Understanding These Influential Global Media Landscapes”.

Ketchum representatives from the first three of these countries presented on their markets, however since the Ketchum China team was committed to client work and unable to get to the meeting, I was invited to speak about China, given my experience in the region.

I wrote up my key points about the 5 central facets of media and PR in China.

Here is an edited video of the key points made on the media markets in each of the BRIC economies – there are some interesting insights on their diversity.

The panellists were:
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7 critical aspects of Tibbr’s big step forward for enterprise social software


Earlier this week I gave the opening keynote at the Sydney launch of Tibbr, the new social enterprise offering from TIBCO. I hope to have the video of my presentation up before long.

Before the event I summarized some of the very positive commentary on Tibbr since the San Francisco launch two weeks ago.

It’s now time to offer my own thoughts. Here is what I think is most interesting and important about Tibbr.


Social media-style interface.
As many have commented, the Tibbr interface looks very much like Facebook. The familiarity of the interface makes it immediately easy to use and understand for almost anyone. Marc Benioff of Salesforce once asked “why isn’t all enterprise software like Facebook?”. If you agree, your time has come, given Tibbr provides exactly that style of front end to virtually all corporate activity.
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Update and most popular frameworks: business models, predictions, media landscapes


I very occasionally send out email updates on what I’ve been up to and the most interesting content generated by our companies. I thought it was worth sharing the one I sent last week, as below.

Please go to our newsletter signup page if you’d like to receive our future updates.

Update and most popular frameworks: business models, predictions, media landscapes

Happy New Year! I hope it’s a stunningly good 2011 for you.

In what are now very occasional emails I will share the most interesting content and resources from my work and across our companies. This email includes::

a visual overview of our companies’ activities and business models
our most popular visual frameworks from the last year
excerpts from interesting keynote speeches
a brief personal update

[NOTE: click on any of the images below for more details. The section links above only work if you are viewing the complete post]

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