Entries by Ross Dawson

ExaTrend of the 2010s: Climate Clashes

Excerpt from the list of ExaTrends of the 2010s: CLIMATE CLASHES The divide between believers and dis-believers in climate change and the necessity for action is increasing. Beyond that, views on the potential of planetary engineering will cut to the heart of the divide on faith in or fear of technology, Whatever the meteorological data […]

ExaTrend of the 2010s: Bio Destiny

Excerpt from the list of ExaTrends of the 2010s: BIO DESTINY Now that biological and genomic technologies are largely driven by information technologies, they are on the same exponential trajectory. Medicines personalized to the individual, genetic modification of our children, drugs to increase intelligence, and life extension will all become commonplace. See the full 3 […]

ExaTrend of the 2010s: Augmented Humans

Excerpt from the list of ExaTrends of the 2010s: AUGMENTED HUMANS More than ever before, we can transcend our human abilities. Traditional memory aids are supplemented by augmented reality glasses or contact lenses, thought interfaces allow us to control machines, exoskeletons give us superhuman power. Machines will not take over humanity… because they will be […]

Map of the Decade, ExaTrends of the Decade, and the Zeitgeist for 2011

It is traditional at the turn of the year to look forward at what is to come. We have crystallized our thinking on the year ahead and the decade of the 2010s in a new 3-page visual landscape. Note on ExaTrends: Given the exponential pace of change of today we are far beyond a world […]

Transparency has long been driving business and society… but it’s only just begun

One of the most surprising things about Wikileaks is that it took this long for the massive shift to transparency to have an impact on this scale. The trend to transparency has long been evident, and sites to facilitate leaks have been around for many years now. The inevitability of a transparent world has long […]

The rise of mini-blogging in 2011: Tumblr will continue to soar

SmartCompany recently featured an excellent article on The next 10 social media trends, which received considerable attention and was syndicated through a number of other outlets. I was quoted in the article talking about social shopping and mini-blogging. Here are a few further thoughts on mini-blogs. I have written another post on the rise of […]