Entries by Ross Dawson

Crowdsourcing goes mainstream, shaping organizations and the future of work

Crowdsourcing is rapidly gaining visibility as a mainstream business topic. The current issue of Outsource magazine has a good article titled The Road of the Crowd. It was written by Steve Bynghall, who produced the recent IBF24 event run by Intranet Benchmarking Forum, and who is collaborating with me on some projects. It’s a good […]

Changing your Twitter profile = creating a new identity

Yesterday I updated my Twitter profile after not having changed it for well over a year. The image and words are now: Futurist/ Entrepreneur/ Keynote Speaker/ Author and contributor to global brain. A visual slice of my neural activity: https://bit.ly/AHTGpBizModel In my keynotes on social media and success in a connected world I tell the […]

LinkedIn demographics: global and diverse but most typical is an American male high-tech salesperson

Some nice data on the demographics of LinkedIn has just been compiled, shortly after it has reached 100 million users. Notable are the country breakdowns, shown here: It is interesting to see India and Brazil so highly ranked, while Netherlands, Australia, and Canada, with populations of 17 million and 22 million, and 33 million respectively, […]

Why Turntable.fm’s Lame/Awesome button is awesome

Turntable.fm has certainly created a sensation – over the last couple of weeks it has been one of the hottest topics on the web. Deservedly. It really changes the game in making music truly social. And the concept, the strategy, and the execution are superb. One of the things is really well conceived is their […]