Entries by Ross Dawson

The evidence is in: we believe technology will create a better future but not better environment

The Smithsonian Institute and Pew Research Center recently did a survey of Americans on what they thought would happen by the year 2050. Good created a nice infographic, below, summarizing some of the data. Click on the image for the full size version. Image source: Good The Smithsonian magazine has also created a nice animation […]

How Arthur C. Clarke almost 50 years ago accurately predicted our world of global distributed work

Arthur C. Clarke was certainly one of the most prescient people of the last century, anticipating many developments and in fact inventing the geo-stationary satellite on which much of the early media and communication revolution was based. In this fantastic segment from a BBC broadcast in 1964 he confidently makes two predictions, one absolutely accurate, […]

How large professional service firms are shifting to networked services and open innovation

I recently ran a workshop on the future of business at the strategy offsite of one of the world’s largest professional services firm. During the evening I had a very interesting conversation with one of the regional directors about how professional service firms are tapping external networks. For over a decade I have written and […]

Launch of the Transformation of Government framework

The vast majority of my work over the years has been in the business sector, however I am increasingly being pulled into government and the public sector. As I spend more time in the government space, it is becoming increasingly evident to me that the public sector can lead fundamental positive structural shifts in society […]

The fabulous case study of Queensland Police on Facebook

I am at the NSW IPAA conference on The Future Course of Modern Government, where I gave the opening keynote on The Transformation of Government. We have just heard about how Queensland Police used Facebook and Twitter for disaster communication during the extensive flooding in January. It may now seem obvious that these are the […]

Peter Shergold on The Ethical Framework (of Professional Public Service)

I’m at IPAA NSW conference on the Future Course of Modern Government, where I gave the opening keynote on The Transformation of Government.  I was followed by Christian Bason, Director of Denmark’s MindLab. The third keynote was delivered by Professor Peter Shergold, previously Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Australia’s most […]