Entries by Ross Dawson

The continuing devaluation of LinkedIn connections

How many LinkedIn requests are you getting? Very likely significantly more than you were getting just a few months ago. LinkedIn reached 100 million users in March. As one of the first 10,000 users, I early on saw the potential of a purely professional social network. It consistently grew in size and user value over […]

Reconfiguring the world of business around the customer

The esteemed JP Rangaswami, who was at the very front of creating Enterprise 2.0 at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein and is now at Salesforce.com, has just written a compelling post Thinking about the Social Enterprise, in which he distills the essence of social business. You really need to read the entire post to get the flow […]

The Internet of things will dwarf the Internet of people

In 2008 the number of devices connected to the Internet surpassed the number of people connected, and in 2020 there will be 50 billion things connected, 7 times the world’s population, according to Dave Evans of Cisco. The infographic below highlights some of the key features of the Internet of things, including the pace of […]

Proof: Intelligent machines can become religious by talking to each other

Going beyond human interaction with (quasi) intelligent machines, we are now beginning to explore interactions between (somewhat) intelligent machines. One of the concepts of the Singularity is that machines will before long be able to teach themselves and each other, to the point where their interactions and conversations are incomprehensible to our puny minds. This […]

Keynote: Creating the future of retail shopping precincts: The Power of Community and Uniqueness

Tomorrow morning I will give the keynote at Mainstreet Australia conference on the topic of Creating the Future of Business. My slides are below. The usual caveat applies – the slides are designed to accompany my presentation and not to stand alone. Keynote: Creating the Future of Retail Spaces View more presentations from rossdawson While […]