Entries by Ross Dawson

Factors for success in the new era of hybrid work

We are at a critical juncture in the evolution of business and work. After almost a year of concerted vaccination programs throughout the developing world, COVID is shifting from a pandemic to being endemic, still likely to be present indefinitely, but contained and allowing us to resume relatively normal lives. This is leading to a […]

Nancy White on powerful facilitation practices: self-awareness, don’t do it alone, experiment, commitment

Facilitation is arguably the most valuable skill in the world. If you can help people to be collectively more intelligent, you unlock vast wealth. Facilitation can also be applied to individuals, in assisting them to apply their capabilities to achieve what they want. ‘Facilitate’ means to make easier. If you can ease the path to […]

Report: A greener and safer global energy system will also be cheaper

For decades one of the most reliable possible predictions has been that official forecasts for renewable energy would underestimate the actual pace of cost reductions and installations. The chart on the left shows the actual growth in photovoltaic (PV) solar installations in black, compared to the annually updated forecasts from the World Energy Agency in […]

How AI could block the massive economic and social opportunity to tap hidden talent

‘Hidden workers’ – those unemployed or underemployed seeking work who are not visible because of companies’ hiring processes – are a massive lost opportunity to society as well as business. An incisive Harvard Business School study points to over 27 million US workers (no doubt the scope is similar in other nations) whose capabilities are […]