Ten years from now: What we will do, have, and not have
This morning I appeared on Channel 7’s The Morning Show talking about the world 10 years from now. A few of the things I mentioned in the interview include:
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Ross Dawson contributed a whooping 2076 entries.
This morning I appeared on Channel 7’s The Morning Show talking about the world 10 years from now. A few of the things I mentioned in the interview include:
The future of libraries is a rich and fascinating topic. It’s over 10 years now since I first gave a keynote on the topic, to an an audience of over 1,200 members of the Australian Libraries and Information Association conference. In 2007 I gained notoriety on the topic when Richard Watson and I put libraries […]
Scenario planning as a management discipline has a long and rich pedigree. It is just one of a wide variety of tools and processes that have been developed to help executives and organizations build strategies and succeed in an uncertain world. However almost 15 years experience in applying a wide variety of strategic futures tools […]
I’m a big fan of Tim Stock‘s work, which weaves together a deep network perspective with a rich view of how culture is changing informed by semiotic analysis. I earlier shared one of his presentations in a post on how the culture of luxury is changing. The slides to his presentation at SXSW today on […]
The role and prominence of online markets for work have soared dramatically over the last few years, but this is just the beginning. I have been following the rise of online markets for work since Elance was founded in 1999, writing about them in my 2002 book Living Networks and dedicating a large chunk of […]
I will spending a month in Europe from late April to late May, with a busy but not yet full schedule, so I’m open to offers on possible work in that period. My trip kicks off with a keynote on The Future of Crowds at TheNextWeb Conference April 25-27 – more on that soon. I […]
It strikes me that in these these confused and confusing times we should lay down clear thoughts about what we believe in. I am mustering my thoughts across a number domains to express what I think is important. However one of the questions is what to call these statements. On the face of it ‘Manifesto’ […]
Pew Internet & American Life Project’s latest study on the future of the internet examines how young people will be affected by technology. The study selected 1,021 “experts” and asked them to choose between one of the following statements, with no other choices, with these results:
I have just seen the video of Peter Weyland’s speech at TED 2023, shown below. It is a superb piece, bringing together ideas, performance, and production to create a powerful impression in a few minutes. I had to do some research to find what the speech is actually promoting. At the end of the movie […]
I recently spoke at an event organised by Building the Organisation of Tomorrow, a group created by alumni of University of Technology Sydney’s Master of Business in IT Management program. The format was very stimulating, with three 15 minute presentations, each followed by 15 minutes Q&A and then a ‘disruptive event’, including some awesome satirical […]