Entries by Ross Dawson

Social Media and the Future: Keynote slides at CIO Summit

This afternoon I am giving a keynote on Social Media and the Future at the Australian CIO Summit in the Gold Coast. Here are the slides from my presentation. As always, my keynote slides are shared with the proviso that they are designed to accompany my presentation and are NOT intended to be useful on […]

Crowdsourcing Entrepreneurs drinks in Sydney this Friday

Crowds and crowdsourcing are increasingly at the heart of entrepreneurship, represented by the burgeoning crop of crowdsourcing companies, the rise of crowd business models, and the fact that a large proportion of entrepreneurs today draw extensively on crowdsourcing in building their businesses. Ignacio Rodriguez and Enrique Mena, CEO and COO respectively of Chile-based Spanish-language crowdsourcing […]

Global insights into fear of failure, entrepreneurial activity, and gender balance in entrepreneurs

As part of my work in helping global professional services firms build strategies for entrepreneurial markets, I’ve been spending some time with the trove of data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, which is the largest study of entrepreneurship around the world. One of the interesting issues I have been looking at is how varying fear […]

How collaboration is transforming the relationship between sell-side and buy-side financial markets

One of the most important dynamics in almost all industries today is how value creation is increasingly shifting to be between organizations rather than within organizations. Most notably, the nature of client-supplier relationships have dramatically shifted over the years. This is not new. I have spent considerable time working with the institutional financial services sector, […]