Entries by Ross Dawson

Come experience Crowd Business Models Summit in San Francisco on October 22

My book Getting Results From Crowds was designed as a highly practical overview of how to create value using crowdsourcing. However the last section on Crowd Business Models is perhaps where my deepest interests lie, and is one of the most important issues in the crowd space. Business models are increasingly based on crowds, so […]

The Future of Customer Service: Using technology to increase both efficiency and relationship strength

Last week I gave the closing keynote at KANA Connect 2012 in Las Vegas, on The Future of Customer Service. I packed in a wide-ranging view on where customer service is going, including the impact of connectivity, the rise of new channels, where value will reside in relationships, and what supports the integration and integrity […]

How divergence in labor productivity is shaping the future of work

My recently launched Future of Work framework provides a highly summarized overview of the future of work. Over coming months I will delve into specific aspects of the framework. One of the most important issues is divergence in labor productivity, mentioned as the fourth point under Labor Productivity in the Economic Structure section. Across industries […]

The 5 elements that enable expertise networks to flourish

Last week I gave a keynote at an internal conference of a large technology services firm that has recently acquired another firm. The conference brought together senior executives and managers from the two organizations so they could get to know each other and plan how they would work together with existing and new clients. A […]

The future of fast food: faster, more convenient, healthier, more luxurious

On Friday I was interviewed on the current affairs program Today Tonight about the future of fast food. Click on the image to see a video of the segment. Perhaps the dominant trend in society today is increased expectations. Those expectations apply across all domains, but absolutely in the immediacy of our everyday lives. As […]

Value polarization and transcending job commoditization: Expertise, Relationships, Innovation

Yesterday I released a first version of my Future of Work framework. I think that a detailed explanation of the outline framework would be a very useful complement to the visual landscape, and I aim to provide that over coming months in a series of blog posts, videos, and other content. Click on the image […]

If you’re in Sydney and totally awesome, we want to give you $250!

We have recently been advertising for a Genius projects/ marketing/ web/ publishing assistant/ manager – part-time in Sydney. As we describe in our working principles document, the process starts with an interview and tests, after which we offer the most interesting candidates a one-day trial, in most cases offering to pay $250. For those we […]

Global distributed organizations can attract the most talented in the world

Forbes has a nice story about the history of WordPress and the role the open-source software plays in the for-profit business Automattic. The article at one point says: Automattic has an idiosyncratic workplace. As a legacy of its open-source roots its 120 employees are spread across 26 countries and six continents. Although most work alone […]